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The other Wes Moore

By paigeeh
  • The Author

    The Author
    Wes lost his father.His father went to the doctor because he was not feeling well.But,they sent him home and told him to just rest.Well he was very Ill with a sickness that was very treatable and if they would have treated it his father would still be here but he died.Fathers Name Westley.
    "I was holding my uncle Vin's hand when I looked into the casket and asked my father,"pg,15,16.
  • The other Wes Moore

    The other Wes Moore
    The other Wes's mother Mary woke Wes up and told him to get ready and to pack.Told him he was going over to his grandmothers for a little while.She had to find a way to make money for college because she lost her college money.When he finally gets to his grandmother he finally met his father.
    "The letter Mary was hiding explained that the federal budget for Basic educational Opportunity Grants-or Pell grants --Was being slashed,"Pg,17
  • The other Wes Moore

    The other Wes Moore
    Wes's never knew his father he left when he was young.But one day he finally met him at his Mamie's home.And, if Wes would have had is father he probably would have never went to jail.He would have had a man that would have told him right from wrong.
    "Wes, meet your father."Pg 25
  • The Author

    The Author
    Wes's mom decided that it was a good idea for Wes,his sisters,and his mom to move in with Wes's grandmother. Wes really didn't want to leave all his friends behind he wanted to stay but his mom told him about all the good things in the Bronxs.
    "My mother prepared us for the move by telling us about her wonderful childhood at the glories of the Bronxs" Pg,38
  • The other Wes Moore

    The other Wes Moore
    He had a brother who cared for his well being.His name was Tony and he was not good for Wes. If he would have stayed away from him he probably would be in jail or anything.Tony was into the drug business which led to Wes being in one.Tony also stayed with his father most of the time at Murphy Homes
    "Tony had started dealing drugs in those hallways of Murphy Homes before he was ten"Pg,27
  • The Author

    The Author
    Wes has done made some friend in the Bronx and his mom doesn't want him to go to the public school for his well being.The she sent him was an all white school and rich kids.His friends didn't like that he was going to school there so he was basically in the middle he has friends in the hood and some at school.
    "Everyone retreated to their separate corners,to their separate worlds. Everyone except me,still caught in the middle."Pg,53
  • The other Wes Moore

    The other Wes Moore
    One day Wes and the crew he was selling drugs with decided to skip school and have there own little cook out.Well he was trying to find money in his moms closet and found her stash of weed.Him and the boys called of the cookout and decided to smoke it Wes sold the stuff but never smoked it.Until today."He cautiously put the rolled-up joint to his mouth and inhaled."Pg,60
  • The Author

    The Author
    Wes had started to do bad in classes so he can get kicked out or took out of the school he was in.His friends started to dislike him.His mom started to notice and she went to the school and they said it might be a learning disability but she knew Wes was smart.She just didn't know he was skipping school."The problem was that I wasn't even showing up half the time." Pg.76.
  • The other Wes Moore

    The other Wes Moore
    Wes's mom found his stash later after Tony beat the crap out of him.She was very disappointed that her son was doing this.So she got rid of everything he had which was worth a lot of money and he had to pay back the main supplier. Wes is mad that she did this but i think he was more scared for himself and the family for what was going to happen."Damn!" he shouted. "Ma! Where are you? Do you know what you just did!"Pg.73
  • The other Wes Moore

    The other Wes Moore
    When Wes moved to Dundee village he met this girl named Alicia.They became more then friends very quick.Two months into whatever they had going on she got pregnant."Four tests and eight matching plus signs later,it was confirmed.They were going to be parents."Pg.99
  • The other Wes Moore

    The other Wes Moore
    One night he was sleeping with a girl the someone was waiting for her as she was leaving and yelled at her.Then Ray was hitting Wes and when Wes got up he went for his gun.After,chasing him with his friend one shot finally hit not knowing if it was his gun that hit or his friend.Soon went home and cops came and got him."Wes's mother walked up to the backseat of the police car where her son sat and began to yell at him in between her tears."Pg.106
  • The Author

    The Author
    Wes's mom finally sends him off to this military school she threaten him with so many times.At first Wes tried to run away many times to go home and he also didn't follow the rules.So the Commanders broke the rule of no out side contact for a few months because they knew they would lose Wes if they didn't let him.After the phone call with his mother he saw everything clearer and didn't try to run away he just stayed at the school.",he would lose me for good."pg.94
  • The other Wes Moore

    The other Wes Moore
    Wes was released from the jail six months after he shot Ray.Because he didn't kill him.Right when he got out he went back to school the only thing was that it was his graduation year but he was two years behind.So,he started to get back into the drug business again and eventually just stopped going to school.Also,the fact he had a child coming he needed the money."Wes's attendance became sporadic,and once his first child was born,he just stopped going."Pg,110.
  • The Author

    The Author
    Wes has been far from danger in a while but one day after the school was about to go to sleep they had an hour to do what they liked.So him and Delio started to walk to town for some food but these people keep messing with the two once tried to run them over then another time called Wes the n-word and hit him with a rock so they started to run back to base."Tonight, i ran through the same woods looking for safety,but in the other direction."Pg,122
  • The other Wes Moore

    The other Wes Moore
    As Wes was in a regular day doing what he does with his drugs he had plans.But,as he was about to leave a man walks up to him and ask if he knows anyone that sells rocks. Wes knew something was off about the man but he needed the money.So he left the rocks in a phone booth and told the man to give him 20 dollars and that someone left him something.Then out of know where came the cops."Wes pleaded with the cop who was reaching over to cuff him..."Pg,114
  • The Author

    The Author
    The author was no longer just a new guy there he had his own platoon.He finally had somewhere he belonged he was the one to give out orders.He also played basketball for the military school. Wes was the youngest starter on the team but he was good and already getting college mail."I was making a name on the court,and colleges were taking notice,writing to me fairly frequently."Pg,115
  • The Author

    The Author
    Wes became a Platoon Sergeant, a cadet master sergeant and the youngest senior non-commissioned officer in the entire corps. "Three years ago, I'd been one of the insubordinate kids first entering the gates of Valley Forge. In an ironic turn I was now one of the ones in charge of them" pg.115
  • The other Wes Moore

    The other Wes Moore
    Wes has four kids two with Alicia and two with Cheryl that once lived down the rode from Alicia.Cheryl was not good for Wes she did drugs and he knew she was using them.So he wanted to get out the drug business and do better,he got his GED but comes home and messes everything he did up again."Wes held the plastic bag with both hands and poured in nine ounces of cocaine."Pg,145
  • The Author

    The Author
    After Colonel Murphy announced that he was leaving the academy, Wes realized that he wanted to leave a grand legacy like Colonel Murphy was leaving. He decided to become a second lieutenant in the army. "My next decision was clear...receive my associates degree and become a second lieutenant in the army. I want to lead soldiers." pg.133
  • The Author

    The Author
    To Wes' surprise, he gets accepted into John Hopkins University and receives scholarship money, despite his low SAT scores. " I knew that landing admission at Hopkins would be a stretch at best. But months later, I got the large package in the mail. Not only was I accepted but I would receive scholarship money."Pg.160