the nazi hunter by:nelli fleming

By 2170058
  • the start of the wipeout

    the start of the wipeout
    half of chapter one was talking about how Eichmann went though with the wipeout of the jews. it also takes about how Eichmann told/ inserted the nazi to follow though.
  • Eichmanns run

    Eichmanns run
    after the holocaust was over Eichmann know if he stayed people would come for him so he ran may 2 he went lakeside village of Altaussee, Austria
  • spying on Eichmann family

    spying on Eichmann family
    Diamant was assigned to go spy on Eichmann family and try to get a picture of Eichmann
  • Eichmann life in hiding

    Eichmann life in hiding
    in this chapter it talks about where Eichmann was and what jobs he had and how he moved and how long he was in hailing for and than where he ended up and how he moved from places to place without being seen.
  • 5 days until the capture

    5 days until the capture
    they are waiting to catch Eichmann and they had a plain to get him out and back to Israel with out anyone noticing and so they had there own plan that they set up.
  • meeting Eichmanns family

    meeting Eichmanns family
    Sylvia was dating nick Eichmann the son of Adof Sylvia dad Lother was half jewish and was in the camp and new a lot about his father Adof who ran the Holocaust.
  • the forming of the nazi hunters

    the forming of the nazi hunters
    after Sylvia and her father Lothar told about there finding of Eichmann people called in people to help look and check out if it is true
  • the lead to find Eichmann

    the lead to find Eichmann
    Sylvia and her father loather wrote to hosteler tell him that they had a lead of where they thought Eichmann was staying
  • the hunt is back on

    the hunt is back on
    after finding more importation 15 years later they started the hunt aging to find Eichmann
  • the wait

    the wait
    this chapter they where waiting to identify Eichmann they would sit in a jeep waiting to get a picture of him
  • the final team

    the final team
    they put together the team that will actual catch Eichmann and talks about why they would all be the best fit and how they all can benefit the team in the catch
  • the mishaps

    the mishaps
    in this chapter there was a lot that could have gone wrong like when he first got on the bus he thought that he was compromised because there was no bus driver and there was a cop out side and they all came on the bus blocking the door but at that time he wanted to make a run for it but if he did that he could have compromised it all and than at the hotel the front desk person lived where it said he grow up on his fake passport and he did did not speak/sound how he would if what he said was true
  • bus stop on Garibaldi street

    bus stop on Garibaldi street
    men waiting in the dark waiting for someone to get off the bus the man who they where waiting for had no idea.
  • the delay

    the delay
    raft eitan found himself at the seen of a bad accident and he was already thinking that they should hold back the the Eichmann chapter but seen he was at the seen of the casement they pushed the capture to may 11 1960
  • the capture

    the capture
    they final went thought with the plain at first they where a little scared because the buses did not stop at the right stops and he was not there in the being no one know where he was or if they where exposed but they final found him and bought him
  • the integration

    the integration
    when the cough Eichmann they brought him to this little room and started asking questions about if it was him now they know they could not give away there identities so at all times when the where talking to him he had to wear these goggles with tap on them so he could not see what they look like.
  • interrogation part 2

    interrogation part 2
    so as he was captured and they where asking him all of theses questions they also asked if he would go to Israel and testify agents him self he said absolutely not I did noting wrong he was convinces that he was just following orders.
  • the plan for getting on the airplane

    the plan for getting on the airplane
    as they where in the save house they where trying to fighter out a way they could get Eichmann on the plane without anyone noticing they where talking about putting him in a bock and saying it was preset cargo and they where also thinking about putting him a ss uniform and having go like that they where saying getting him out is going to take just as much planing as capturing him
  • the airplane ride

    the airplane ride
    they went to brazil and now they are going to leave the may 20 and than they are going to take a Straight away to go test testify
  • the plane has landed

    the plane has landed
    on the plane not everyone on the plane know that Eichmann was Eichmann and so the people that did know moved away from him and did not want to be by him they where decussated by him
  • boring plan

    boring plan
    they needed to find a way to get on to the plane because people told them told them no planes are allowed to go up into the air. so they had to find a way to go in the air so they final gotten the plane and so they had to put a blanket on Eichmann to hide him.
  • the end

    the end
    after they came done to Israel they went to the prime minister and told him to he he caught Eichmann and so he was put in jail waiting for the trial they had him and they announced to the public that they caught Eichmann and he is on Israel jail waiting for trail.
  • the sentences

    the sentences
    when they finally got him they brought him to go to the trial and they brought servers in to see if the recognized him and after here all of them say yes than it took the judge 4 mouthes to determine what was going to happen in the end he was a pointed to a death sentences where he was hung