The MOst Dangerous game

  • Day 1 Exposition

    Day 1 Exposition
    the story take place in the late 1900's on a yacht, at a dark night
    the characters are rainford & whitney.
    one of the bigest question that puzzle them is that if animals have feeling and if they can feel fear
  • Day 1 (Rising action)

    Day 1 (Rising action)
    RAinford hears gun shots coming from the island! He goes to the rail to take a closer look & falls over the sea. He scearm for help & no one hears him he pays attion to go to the ocean
  • Day 2 (rising action)

    Day 2 (rising action)
    Rainford explores the island after he wakes from a deep sleep & is very hungry where's their's a gun theirs a man and where's there a man there food!
  • Day 2 (More rising action)

    Day 2 (More rising action)
    Rainford finds a big Mansion where he meets Ivan. Ivan is a deaf & slient servent of General Zaroff. THey are coassacks who live on the island
  • day 3 (climax)

    day 3 (climax)
    Rainford and General Zaroff were talking about hunting and since General Zaroff said that he was his biggest fan and them he said he got tierd of hunting animals and that he came up with a new one that is human
  • Day 3 (climax)

    Day 3 (climax)
    General zaroff ask rainford if he can go hunting with him one day to have a great experiance with him.General Zaroff showed rainford around the mansion and told how he got people here bythe srom and by lighting up the light house.
  • Day 4

    Day 4
    When both of them saw each other the next day General Zaroff complained with Rainford that h had a bad hunt bcause he felt like he was getting oard and once again he asked to go hunt with him tonight. Rainford rejected his hunting and ask to leave the island now. He's an enemy of General Zaroff and i he survive for 3 days he gets to leave.
  • day 4 (later that day)

    day 4 (later that day)
    RAinford ran and ran for 2 hours and them he stoped to get his ind set and made a plan his plan was to make a path that will be long and long for he can never find him.General Zaroff finaly followed the path and got to the place whereit stop Rainford did not move General Zaroff took a knee and them got up and left witha smile them it hit it RAinford knew he was to god so he saved him for another day to ply with him.
  • Day 5

    Day 5
    Rainford started to go into the woods another try and them he made a trap to injured General ZAroff ut when h got there he hid behide a three and them he saw that someone was coming so them General Zaroff walked and as he senced that he was in danger he back up and got hit a little it was caleed (Malay Man catcher) General Zaroff alked away to cure his injury
  • Day 5 (night)

    Day 5 (night)
    Rainford left the area and ran agian he kept thinking for another plan and them he stop and started digging with the energy he had left he placed some leaf aroung it nd sticks that will stap who ever falls in the pit as it got darker RAindford felt something that came up strang.General Zaroff came with his dogs and as they got closer one fell on the trap and once agian General Zaroff said you killed one of my best dog the trap was called (Burmese tiger pit)
  • Last day

    Last day
    Rainford kept running and them reach to the sea and them when he heard the dogs and General Zaroff right behide him he jump down from a cliff.
  • last day (later)

    last day (later)
    so them General Zaroff celebrated by eatting with his pack of dogs. and when he General Zaroff got home he saw someone by the door it was Rainford and them he said that He won the game but Rainford got out and started fightng sowrd with him.