Mamluk dynasty

The Mamluk Dynasty

By brekhna
  • 1266 BCE


    Balban proved to be a capable ruler he did some important things under his reign such as:
    1)He built forts and he strengthened his army so that he could keep the Mongols away.
    2)He reduced the power of the FORTY as they had started to challenge the sultans authority.
    3)Balban encourged education and he gave a lot of money to Islamic scholars and to men of learning.He also helped S.Maula to set up a college.
    Now the sultan kept facing attacks from mongols and in one of these attacks his son died
  • 1236 BCE

    Razia Sultana

    Razia Sultana
    When Iltutmish died his son succeeded him but he proved to be an incomplete ruler . His sister Razia was then crowned as the ruler and she had mastered the the art of government and leadership . Razia had all the qualities of a monarch . But poor Razias position had gotten weak because of the intrigues at court . Finally she married Altuniyah , the governer of Bhatinda ,they both marched to Delhi ti retake it .She was defeated and killed by the outlaws whem fleeing from the battlefeild .
  • 1211 BCE


    Iltutmish when he was crowned as the king by the Forty nobles . He had to continuously fight both the Muslim Rulers and the Rajputs to establish his authority,however he did succeed . Iltutmish proved to be good ruler as he set up a good administration with proper taxation and officials appointed for the task . He also completed the construction of QUWWAT-UL-ISLAM mosque and Qutb Minar which were begun by Aibak .
  • 1206 BCE

    Qutubuddin Aibak

    Qutubuddin Aibak
    The Mamluk dynasty was known as slave dynasty because he was the slave of Muhammad of Ghor . As a sultan Aibak proved to be a wise and just ruler .He treated the Hindus with kindness .Qutubuddin built two mosques ones name was QUWWAT-UL-ISLAM at Delhi and another was in Ajmer . Qutubuddin had also started the construction of Qutb Minar . Aibak could rule only for 4 years as he died in an accident while he was playing Polo in Lahore , and is buried there .
  • 1187 BCE

    Muhammad of Ghor

    Muhammad of Ghor
    Muhammad of Ghor was a very ambitious person.He was willing to do something more as he believed that dreams have no limits and so you can achieve what ever you desire of and he did so he tried to expand his kingdom over the rest of the Northern India for achieving this dream he had face the ferocious Rajputs and then the powerful king whose name was Prithvi Raj but poor Muhammad failed to achieve his dreams.But he did not lose his hope this time he attacked India and he accomplished his dream.
  • 998 BCE

    Mahmud of Ghazni

    Mahmud of Ghazni
    Mahmud expanded his kingdom up to Isfahan . He made 17 invasions into India including one against the Shahi Kingdom in the north . His main goal was to gain all the wealth of the subcontinent . Mahmud was an Idol smasher as he had broke the floating Idol of Somnath and after that he took away all the treasures and jewels from there with the help of all this stuff he was able to convert his city into a mesmerizing city and he also built madrassas and mosques for the people in his city .