The Life of St. Ignatius of Loyola

  • Period: Jan 1, 1486 to Jan 1, 1561

    St. Ignatius of Loyola

  • Jan 18, 1486

    King Henry VII and Elizabeth of York

    King Henry VII and Elizabeth of York
    King Henry VII and Elizabeth of York are married.
  • Jan 1, 1491

    The Birth

    The Birth
    St. Ignatius of Loyola was born sometime in 1491, the true date is not known. His mother is Marina Saenz Lieona y Balda and his father is Don Beltran Yanez de Onez y Loyola. St. Ignatius was born in Azpeitia in the Basque region of Spain. Ignatiuses real name is Inigo de Loyola.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus sails the ocean blue in hopes to find Asia, but instead finds the Americas.
  • Oct 15, 1509

    The Army

    The Army
    Ignatius had dreams of being the knight who saved the princess from the tower, so he joined the Spainish army in 1509 and under the leadership of the duke he had never been wounded in any battle until Pamplona.
  • May 20, 1521

    The Cannonball

    The Cannonball
    On May 20th, 1521 Ignatius had joined the Spainish to fight against the French in the Battle of Pamplona. Ignatius got hit in the leg by a cannonball and broke his other leg. Ignatius had to get many surgeries done on him, the surgeries were very painful before modern medicine and surgery. During his time while resting he read De Vita Cristi, the book the would influence his life forever
  • Mar 16, 1522

    New Life

    New Life
    Ignatius is completely converted from his old actions and faith and he decides to leave the castle in search of a new life and profound love of God. He encountured a moor in the road and the debated religous matters and they came to a fork in the road and took opposite directions, they were debating on wether or not the virgin was a virgin after giving birth to Jesus and this shows that Ignatius was still not strong in catholic knowledge.
  • Mar 25, 1522

    The Cave Visions

    The Cave Visions
    After his recovery, Ignatius went and visited the Benedictine monastery. He then traveled to Manresa and there he stayed in a cave for several months and practiced asceticism. Ignatius also began to see visions in broad daylight whie in the cave. In 1523 he issued a trip to the Holy Land, but he was not allowed to stay because the Turks ruled the land.
  • Oct 16, 1524


    When Ignatius was 33 years old he wanted to go to a university and learn more aboth the catholic faith and beliefs, but he needed to know latin and he enrolled with schoolboys and he learned latin.
  • Oct 16, 1525

    The Inquisition

    The Inquisition
    Ignatius would gather students and adults and tell them about the gospels and teachings of Christ. The Spanish Inquisition threw him into jail for 42 days because they thought he was practicing heresey. When he was let go he was told to avoid teaching others. He then went to Salamanca to study and the dominicans threw him in jail again. He was told that he could only teach children and simple religious beliefs.
  • Oct 16, 1530

    The Company

    The Company
    He went back to school at the University of Paris and shared rooms with Francis Xavier and Peter Faber. Ignatius also influenced a couple of other people with the Spiritual Exercises and they took vows to turn to poverty and the Lord and decided to go to the Holy Land. If that was impossible, then they would go to Rome and listen to the Pope.
  • Oct 16, 1536

    The Company of Jesus #2

    The Company of Jesus  #2
    Ignatius went with Peter Faber to Rome and place themselves at the Pope. At a chapel in La Sorta God told Ignatius,"I will be favorable to you in Rome." The Pope gave them work in teaching Theology. On Christmas Day 1538 Ignatius gave his first mass. Ignatius gathered his company and they decided to form a community with the Pope's confirmation. They would vow obidience to a superior general for life.
  • Sep 27, 1540

    The Company of Jesus #3

    The Company of Jesus  #3
    Pope Paul III confirmed the company on September 27th, 1540.
    Ignatius is the winner on the ballot for the Superior General of the company. On April 22nd, 1541 the company took their vows.
  • Jan 1, 1548

    Later Years

    Later Years
    The Society of Jesus grew into the thousands of members. Ignatius would send letters and check what was going on in the company. He got so many letters that he needed a secretary who is named Polanco. Laniez would be the one to Succeed Ignatius as the Superior General of the Company of Jesus.
  • Jul 21, 1556


    Ignatius had a stomach disease that made his health get bad and the doctors told him that he would be fine, but Ignatius had a feeling that he was going to die at that time and on July 21st 1556 Ignatius de Loyola died.