The Life of Rob Dyrdek

  • Rob Dyrdek is Born

    Rob Dyrdek is Born
    Rob was born in Kettering, Ohio on June 28th, 1974. His parents are Gene and Patty Dyrdek. He only has one sister named, Denise.
  • Started Skateboarding

    Started Skateboarding
    Rob started skateboarding in his younger years about when he was 11. What had inspired him to skate was recieving his first skateboard from a professional skater, Neil Blender. He said that he would skate anytime that he could get especially after school.
  • Turned Pro

    Turned Pro
    Rob had turned pro by the age of sixteen. He soon went up in the profession of skating and quickly got many sponsors such as DC Shoes. Him and Blender had decided to buy Alien Workshop together and made it grow into a bigger better company soon after he had became pro.
  • Rob & Big

    Rob & Big
    Rob and Big was a tv series that Rob had started with his body guard Chrisotpher "Big Black" Boykin. The show was to be orginally about Rob going around skating and Big protecting him from people trying to stop him. They had eventually became great friends and made a truly funny show together.
  • Rob Dydrek's Fantasy Factory

    Rob Dydrek's Fantasy Factory
    Rob Dyrdrek's Fantasy Factory came on a little while after Rob and Big ended. This tv show is with more of Rob's cousins, Drama and Big Cat pursuing in their lives and Rob helping them in the buissness. Then again along the way Rob does a bunch of crazy things trying to live life to the fullest.
  • Street Dreams

    Street Dreams
    Street Dreams was a movie that was Rob's Idea. In the movie it shows the hard life of being a skateboarder and having a lot of runnings with the cops. The movie not only starred Rob but other professional skateboarders just trying to prove skateboarding is not bad and should be allowed to let people live their dreams of skating.
  • Street League Skateboarding

    Street League Skateboarding
    Street League Skateboarding was founded by Rob Dyrdek and it was one of his life dreams. The league is for all skateboarders to show their stuff and help them move on with their dream of being a professional skateboarder. Rob plans on making skateboarding a known sport and not frowned upon but enjoyed by all.
  • DC Shoes

    DC Shoes
    Rob got sponsored by DC shoes in his later years. He soon made the company huge and still wears there clothing and shoes today. Rob is also a main person in the company DC Shoes.
  • World's Largest Skateboard

    World's Largest Skateboard
    The World's Largest Skateboard was created by Joe C and was funded by Rob Dyrdek. He thought it would be a great idea to put it through a parade and show it off. The skateboard broke the world record and it is now avaible to rent for occassions.
  • Ridiculousness

    Ridiculousness is another tv show that Rob has created. This show is breaking down funny clips on the internet and putting them all in the same place. On the show Sterling on controls and Chanel as female guest they are usually joined by another a celebrity guest along with Rob as host.
  • Kickflipping a Chevy Sonic

    Kickflipping a Chevy Sonic
    Rob Dyrdek had kickflipped a new Chevy Sonic through the air. The car had rotated 360 degrees and flew over the world's largest skateboard. In the process of getting ready Rob said he need to be prepared for life or death.
  • Alien Workshop

    Alien Workshop
    Alien Workshop had undergone many different owners throughout its history. Then Rob came along and decided he should own his own skateboard shop since he became a professional skater. They had soon got equipment out in that same year of August.
  • Rob Dyrdek Day

    Rob Dyrdek Day
    Rob Dyrdek Day is a day that is dedicate just to Rob. The mayor of the city had given this day to Rob for all the hard work he had put into building the skate parks aroung Los Angeles. At the end of the day Rob wants you to ask yourself (D)id (Y)ou (R)eally (D)o (E)verything (K)ind?
  • Wild Grinders

    Wild Grinders
    Wild Grinders is yet but another show that Rob has created. But for the first time this is a cartoon that shows on Nicktoons. The cast is mainly Rob but there is other characters on the show that represent other famous skaters.
  • Currently Living

    Currently Living
    Rob is currently living today March 5th, 2014. He is 39 years old and has recently become an uncle. This is his last year of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory and he going to just contiune with Ridiculousness and see what happens from there.