31 charles dickens getty

The Life of Charles Dickens

  • Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
    In Portsmouth England, Charles Dicken's was born into the family of John Dickens and his wife, Elizabeth Barrow. Charles was the second of the couples eight children (www.biography.com/people/charles-dickens-9274087#synopsis).
  • Napoleon in War of Liberation

    Napoleon in War of Liberation
    The war of Liberation took place in the year of 1814, which had the end result of Napoleon's defeat. He lost to the areas of, Britain, Austria, Russia, Prussia, Sweeden and Portugal. Shortly after this war Napoleon was exiled to Elba (www.infoplease.com).
  • Hundred-Days

    The "Hundered-Days" was the time period in which Napoleon arrives in Paris after escaping his place of last exile, Elba. When Napoleon returned and starting an important part of the French again, Austria, Britain, Prussia, and Russia all begin to form an alliance against him. This alliance is responsible for his defeat in Waterloo, leading him to be exiled again. His second place of exile is, St. Helena (www.infoplease.com) (www.britannica.com).
  • Simón Bolívar

    Simón Bolívar
    Bolívar was an American soldier who had led multiple revolutions against the Spanish empire. After the years of him being sent to Spain for his education, he became involved in the resistance moment. Bolívar became very important in the Spanish American fight for independence. Throughout most of his life, Simón Bolívar was known as "El Liberator" (www.biography.com) (www.infoplease.com).
  • First Journey to America

    First Journey to America
    Dickens traveled to America on the ship of Britannia, which was a vessel of 1,154 tons. This trip was important as it made Dickens see how unpleasant being so popular can be. While he was there, Charles had to work harder, which he was not a big fan of (Brown 29) (Dickinson 539).
  • A Christmas Carol

    A Christmas Carol
    "A Christmas Carol" is a loved piece of literature that is as popular today as it was 150 years ago. This was by far Dicken's most popular work of fiction as 6,000 copies were sold by the holiday season (www.charlesdickensinfo.com) (Dickinson 539).
  • Dombey and Son

    Dombey and Son
    The publication of the novel "Dombey and Son" marks the turning point of Charles Dickens career as a writer. This seventh major novel was the closest Charles had ever written about feminism, this is displayed when Dombey has a daughter when wanting a son. Dombey also believed marriage was just an arrangement and not about love, displaying feminism as well (www.charlesdickensinfo.com)
  • David Copperfield

    David Copperfield
    Although this novel may not be considered his best, it is commonly known as one of his personal favorites. This autobiographical novel mainly contained, and fictionalized aspects of his childhood, pursuit of journalism and his love life (Dickinson 539).
  • Death of Charles Father and Daughter

    Death of Charles Father and Daughter
    The tragic loss Charles father and daughter lead to his "dark novels." The first novel in this period was, "Bleak House." In this piece of literature the Dickens' view on social snobbery is displayed through a complex plot. "Hard Times." was the second novel in this time. This book mainly portrayed that facts were more important than feelings in society. The last book from the time of the "dark novels" is,"Little Dorrit." This novel helps us to see his overall views of society (Dickinson 539).
  • Napoleon III

    Napoleon III
    Louis Napoleon declared himself Emperor of France. This was confirmed shortly after the resolution of the senate concerning the empires restitution. As emperor Napoleon overall did multiple things to help France but did a few things that hurt them (www.britannia.com) (www.lukemastin.com).
  • Little Dorrit

    Little Dorrit
    The Novel Little Dorrit is often times regarded as Dickens greatest novel. This novel, along with multiple others, helps the world to see what the social aspect was during this time. This book uses two clear symbols of prison and herion. The prison is used to represent the conditions of England and the herion is represents an innocent child. This book overall helped us to see how Chales felt about the English society (Dickinson 539).
  • Charles Darwin "Origin of Speicies"

    Charles Darwin "Origin of Speicies"
    Darwin developed the theory of natural selection. He worked endlessly to prove natural selection is when a species develops new attributes or functions due to their environment and lives, and pass them on to their offspring. Natural selection could also be described as showing that all life must be somehow related, as everything begins to evolve from a common ancestor. This is a never-ending cycle. Natural selection then began to lead Darwin to his theory of evolution (www.allaboutscience.org).
  • Great Expectations

    Great Expectations
    The novel "Great Expectations" ranks as one of the most perfectly executed works of art. The main plot of the story is a man starting at childhood and developing into a young man. In many ways this book is based off of Charles life, making it personal to him. This work of english literature could be regarded as one of the greatest books he ever wrote (*Dickinson 540).
  • American Civil War Ends

    American Civil War Ends
    After four of the bloodiest filled years in the United States history, the American Cilvil War finally ends in the year 1865. Confederate force leader, General Edmund Kirby Smith, signs a paper of surrender written up by the Union. This was the last ever American confederate army to every exist (www.history.com) (www.lukemastin.com).
  • Staplehurst Railway Accident

    Staplehurst Railway Accident
    The Staplehurst Railway accident was a tragic event due to a miscommunication. Workers were renovating the train tracks up ahead and the train did not receive this information, causing the crash. After the accident Dickens was seen as hero because of all he did to lessen the suffering on the dying and injured passengers. The accident caused Dickens to develop psychological issues and anxiety, which ultimately affected his book and lead to an early death (www.historyproject.org).
  • Date of Death

    Date of Death
    After all of his accomplishments and failures, Dickens dies at the age of 58. The entire day on the 9th, Dickens took the time to work on his novel, "Mystery of Edwin Drood," which unfortunately he never got the opportunity to finish (Dickinson 540).