Nov 1, 1000
The Begining
Tomas the Spook's apprentics prepairs to go to the Spook's winter house on the bleak moor of Anglezarke. (year 1000 is the starting year of this novel)
Exposure -
Nov 5, 1000
Meeting Meg
Tomas arrives at the winter house with his master and meets a lima witch named Meg, that is being drugged so she can't remember anything.
Rising Action -
Nov 11, 1000
The boggart
The Spook and tomas fight a stone chucker boggart and try to bind it. But it gets away.
Rising Action -
Nov 13, 1000
The Boggart's revenge
The boggart comes back and Tomas manages to bind it but the spook gets badly injured.
Rising Action -
Nov 17, 1000
The Letter
Tomas gets a letter from his brother tht his father is going to die and he would like him to come back to his childhood home to be there for him.
Rising Action -
Nov 20, 1000
Bad news
Tomas learns that his father is dead and his mother has left to go back to her old country.
Rising Action -
Nov 21, 1000
Return home
Tomas reterned to his old house and finds that his father has been dead for two weeks because he got the letter too late.
Rising Action -
Nov 30, 1000
Tomas returns to his Master's home and ends up being captured by Meg who rembers all. The witch has her memory back.
Rising Action -
Dec 1, 1000
Tomas waits for Meg to come down into the celler with food. When she does, Tomas uses a special key and runs out of the celler and he is relieved that the gate is open and that she left his silver chain untouched so that he can escape.
Climax -
Dec 2, 1000
going somewere
Tomas escapes and heads to the town of Allington. In the town he talks to the Spook's brother and begs him for help.
Falling Action -
Dec 3, 1000
Tomas meets a man named Morgan who also was a Spook's apprentice but he was slightly evil and that eventually grew worse/more evil over the years. Now he is a necromancer and he threatens Tomas and says that he is going to torture his father's soul.
Falling Action -
Dec 4, 1000
Getting help!
The Spook's brother agrees to help Tomas fight evil!
Falling action -
Dec 6, 1000
Help to the rescue.
Andrew, the spook's brother who is a locksmith, and Tomas go to the house and rescue the Spook from Meg, and they capture Meg putting her back into the celler.
Falling Action -
Dec 23, 1000
Morgan says a word wrong in the ritual summoning Golgoth, and gets turned into ice. Morgan also looses his soul to Golgoth for failing him. The Spook comes and helps Tomas to get back home.
Falling Action -
Dec 23, 1000
Tomas gets captured by Morgan and taken to a place where Morgan will proform a ritual to summon an ancient god called Golgoth who will freeze the world in winter forever.
Falling Action -
Dec 24, 1000
The End
:) Christmas (: -
Dec 26, 1000
Direct and indirect characterizations
D1) Tomas is a 7th son of a 7th son, this is the only to become a spook.
D2)Tomas, the brave apprentice, defeated the evil necromancer.
I1)Tomas dresses in all his brothers hand-me-down cloth.
I2) Keeping his cool cool and knowing his spells/wards Tomas won while Morgana the necromancer lost his soul. This shows that he is very brave.