The Island of Dr. Moreau

  • The Beginning

    The Beginning
    Edward Prendick leaves Callao, Peru aboard the Lady Vain
  • Collision at Sea

    Collision at Sea
    Ten days after setting sail The Lady Vain collides with a derelict and sinks. Prendrick is set adrift at sea in a dingy with two other men and no provisions. After 4 days the water had run out and delirium had set in. On the 6th day, it was decided to draw lots to see who would sacrifice their life for the others survival.However, a fight broke out over the results and the two men were thrown over and drowned. Prenick was now alone and near death
  • Rescued from Death

    Rescued from Death
    Prendick is pulled aboard a passing schooner, the Ipecacuanha. It is on this ship that he meets the man that saved his life Montgomery. He learns Montgomery is sailing back to the island on which he lives with provisions and animal, particularly a puma.
  • The Strange Creature

    The Strange Creature
    After a day of sleeping and nutrition, Prendick attempts to venture with Montgomery to the top side of the schooner. They are blocked at the hatchway by a man Prendick describes as "a misshapen man, short, broad, and clumsy, with a crooked back, a hairy neck, and a head sunk between his shoulders. He was dressed in dark-blue serge and had peculiarly thick, coarse, black hair." He also noted the strange man had an animal like quickness,
  • Deserted and Rescued Again

    Deserted and Rescued Again
    In the early morning Captain Davies, ordered Mongomery, his companions, and his cargo off the schooner in a rage. Prendick is denied a place in the boat going ashore. Prendick is ordered thrown into the towed dingy of the Lady Vain with no provisions once again. In a panic, Prenick tried to fight it, but it was of no use. The small boat Montgomery is in turns around and ties the dingy to their boat. Once ashore, he meets the tall, white-haired, broad-shouldered man known as Dr. Moreau.
  • Realizations and Flee

    Realizations and Flee
    Prendick is lead to the compound of Moreau. His room has a locked interior door. He then makes the connection to the name Moreau from London "The Moreau Horrors". While discussing this with Montgomery they begin to hear the terrifying screams of the Puma in excruciating pain. Fearing for his life Prendick flees into the jungle.
  • In the Jungle

    In the Jungle
    Stumbling through the unfamiliar jungle Prendick comes across decapitated rabbit. He also discovers a gorilla-man hybrid drinking from a stream like an animal. He follows the beast until they reach the beast folk village. Here the Sayer of the Law demands that he repeat the law in order for him to stay. Meanwhile, Prendick is being pursued by Moreau and Montgomery. They locate him in the village. Prendick escapes and threaten to drown himself in the sea.
  • Discovery of the Rabbit

    Discovery of the Rabbit
    Prendick is persuaded to go back to the compound while armed with Moreau for an explanation. The next morning Montgomery shows Prendick more of the island. During their walk, they discover a rabbit that has been ripped and eaten by an animal. Concerned Montgomery reports this to Moreau, who orders the Leopard-man hunted and returned to the House of Pain. The party finds the creature but before he can be captured Prendick shoots him to prevent him from being experimented on further.
  • Escape of the Puma

    Escape of the Puma
    After breakfast, Prendick is smoking a cigarette when all the sudden he hears a sharp cry and turns to face the Puma creature rushing at him. The creature flings him aside and escapes with Moreau in pursuit. Montgomery goes after them but the beast folk are going mad. It forces Montgomery back to the compound. After a time some beast folk come to report that they have found Moreau dead. They lead Montgomery and Prendick to the body. Moreau is brought to the compound.
  • The Undoing and Death of Montgomery

    The Undoing and Death of Montgomery
    After Montgomery and Prendick ended the living experiments in Moreau's lab, they go to Prendick's room. It is after midnight, and Montogery mental stability seems to collapse. He gets drunk and gets some of the beast folk drunk as well.Down at the beach, the Wolf-man attacks Montgomery and mortally wounds him. M'Ling is dead and Montgomery has destroyed the dingies in the bonfire.In his haste to get to Montgomery's aid, Prendick knocked over the lamp setting fire to the compound.
  • Reversion of the Beast Folk

    Reversion of the Beast Folk
    With both Moreau and Montgomery deadPrendick convinces the beast folk that the Law is still in place without them. He has the loyalty of some of the creatures but others are proving to be dangerous. Slowly the beast people begin to revert to some semblance of there animal selves.
  • The Dingy/Leaving the Island

    The Dingy/Leaving the Island
    Prendick spots a small boat in the distance. He attempts to get the attention of it's occupants to no avail. Eventually, the little boat is stranded on the beach and Prendick approaches it. He finds the occupants dead. He gathers provisions and leaves the island for good.
  • The Final Rescue

    The Final Rescue
    After three days adrift at sea, Prendick is rescued.No one believes his tale and he has no desire to be part of society anymore.He withdraws and reads and experiments with chemistry and astronomy.