Island of dr moreau cover pic

The Island of Doctor Moreau

  • Docking

    Captain John Davies started from Africa with a puma and other animals aboard his schooner called the Ipecacuanha.
  • The Collision

    The Collision
    The Lady Vain at Callao was lost by collision with everyone aboard presumed drowned.
  • Rescue

    Prendick was found drifting aimlessly at sea on a small dingey by captain John Davies, and his crew aboard the vessel known as the Ipecacuanha. Prendick was medically treated by another passenger, Montgomery, who nursed him back to health with the help of his beastly looking assistant, M'ling.
  • Recovery Aftermath

    Recovery Aftermath
    After being involved in an argument between Montgomery and captain Davies, Prendick was thrown overboard in the dingey until the arrival on the island several hours later. Here, he encounters Doctor Moreau and additional strange looking beasts.
  • Things in the Forest

    Things in the Forest
    Prendick stroll about the island alone, and come upon an apparition of a grotesque, half-beastial creature. As he proceeded, he noticed three more creatures. One female; the other two were men repeating jibberish that he couldn't understand. When Prendick is alerted to being followed by something, a chase ensues and he injures the creature as he runs back towards the enclosure.
  • Join the Beasts

    Join the Beasts
    In fear for his life, Prendick flees the enclosure with Montgomery and Doctor Moreau in pursuit. A simian ceature leads Prendick to the huts where others are. He encounters the Sayer of the Law. Montgomery and Doctor Moreau persuade Prendick to return to the enclosure with them, in order to explain the course of the experiments with the animals.
  • Taste of Blood

    Taste of Blood
    Prendick ponders over all the creatures and experiments he's been told about prior to breakfast with Montgomery. As he and Montgomery began to take a stroll on the island, they find a dead rabbit that had been ripped apart. They alert Doctor Moreau, then all three seek out the Leopard-man, whom Prendick believes caused this. They locate and destroy the animal.
  • A Catastrophe

    A Catastrophe
    The puma held in the laboratory escapes in the early morning, and Doctor Moreau rushes off in chase behind it. As they search for him, they discover his lifeless body lying face down in a trampled space in a crane-break, along with the escaped puma that had been killed. They had the beasts carry Doctor Moreau back to the enclosure where they burned his body in the yard, then proceeded to the laboratory to put an end to all things living there.
  • Catastrophe Part II: Montgomery

    Catastrophe Part II: Montgomery
    After Montgomery wonders off drunken alongside the beasts the night before, Prendick preps for his escape off the island. Suddenly, he hears gunfire! He discovers Montgomery being attacked on the beach by the Sayer of the Law. Soon afterwards, Prendick realizes the boats had been burned by Montgomery to prevent their return to mankind, and now the enclosure was ablaze too! Prendick takes control and reinsures the beasts the law still stands!
  • Reversion of the Beasts Folk

    Reversion of the Beasts Folk
    After convincing the beasts the law is still in place, slowly and inevitably, the creatures revert back to their animalistic ways.
  • Hyena-Swine

    Prendick began building a makeshift raft to escape on, but unfortunately, it feel apart due to his lack of carpentry skills. As he sat, he began to worry about the state of the animals reversion. Suddenly, he's led by a sloth creature to where his only friend, a Saint-Bernard creature, was being slaughtered by a Hyena-swine, a creature he's been wanting to kill for some time. Prendick was finally able to do so as the animal tried to attack him.
  • The Unknown

    The Unknown
    The vessel known as the Ipecacuanha, disappeared from the seas, sailing to its unknown fate from Bayna.
  • Set Sail

    Set Sail
    A small schooner sailed towards the island, and upon discovery are two deceased men. One with resemblence of the captain of the Ipecacuanha. Prendick removed the bodies and prepared to set sail after gathering fruit, food, and water before departing the island.
  • Survivor

    Eleven months and four days later, Edward Prendick, who was aboard the Lady Vain at Callao and presumed drowned, was rescued by a brig sailing from Apia to San Franciso. After escaping the island and floating at sea for three days, no one believed his story. Prendick refrained from discussing what happened to him ever again, in fear of others opinions. From this day forward, he stayed to himself as people seemed queer to him just as he may have seemed to them