Marcus Apicius
Marcus Apicius writes the world's first known cookbook. It was for the professional cooks working in the Roman Empire. -
Period: 300 to
Significant Events in Chef History
The evolution of the Chef's profession is a story of change. There is a long line of forward thinking culinarians who helped defire the role of the contemporary chef in today's world through their activism. -
Apr 11, 1400
An instrumental chef known for his book, written by Platina, an Italian philosopher, "Of Honest Indulgence and Good Health." He was influenced by the aribic cuisine, which was moderated by fruits, sugar, and spices. -
Apr 11, 1500
Bartholomeo Scappi
Scappi writes a book named 'Opera,' which is known for its extremety in detail and his drawings in the art of cooking. -
Apr 11, 1533
Greatest Italian Influence
Italian Princess Caterina de Medici married Duc d'Orleans, later became Henri II. The princess brought her chef's to France with her, which was told greatly influenced the French fare. The Italian chef's simplified it with more delicate and subtle spices. -
Pierre Francois de La Varenne
Pierre is considered the turning point of the mideval cuisine and marked the beginning of the classic French cuisine era. The basis of modern sauces are created in this time as well. Those sauces incluse, Bechamel, Veloute, Espagnole, Tomato, and Hollandaise was not added until much later. He was also an author of 'Le Cuisinier Francois' and 'Le Patissier Francais.' -
Chef to Prince de Conde, he showed his commitment to the fare whilst learning only a portion of his fish had arrived, he comitted suicide. -
Boulanger opens the first buisness to be called a restuarant, and he only served soups and stews, or what he called "restoratives." -
Marie-Antonine Careme
He was the first chef to systematically organize dishes and techniques in classical cooking. He was also credited as the founder of the cuisine classique. -
Alexis Soyer
Alexis developed nutricious and inexpensive recipes for the poor and working class, who orchistrated soup kitchens to feed people during the potato famine. -
August Escoffier
The most well known chef to date. He has done the most with his career. He created the brigade system, which simplified the kitchen set-up as to each person does a task. He moved the kitchen out of the basement, becuae most kitchens at the time were in the basement. He set the standards for the professionalism of chefs in todays world. He wrote a book called 'Escofffier' and is still being printed today for culinary students to read as a part of the curricilum. -
American Culinary Federation
The ACF is a grouop of likeminded individuals who set today's standards of what should be dome in the industry to keep it going strong. The hold confrences here in Atlanta, and all the chef's from the area come to participate and learn. Charles Scotto was the first president until his death in 1937. -
James Beard
Anoter really well known Chef of his time, and of today's time. He is known as the dean of American Cooking, and aired the first television cooking show. He later wrote several cookbooks extrolling the virtues of american cuisine. -
Julia Child
HAAC airs 'The French Chef',' and demonstrates French cuisine to the American Public, bringing publicity and a new-found appreciation for culinary arts. -
Chef-Farmer Connection
Chef Alice Walters opens Chez Panisse and begins the 'Chef-Farmer Connection,' and uses seasonally and locally grown foods. -
The occupation of being a chef was not deemed professional from the US Department of Labor until this date. -
The ACF apprenticeship program is instituted, creating the first organized apprenticeship program in the United States -
Oppertunities, new technologies, and advancements in Culinary Arts are being created everyday, magnifying the focus on chefs and their profession.