
The History of New France

  • Period: Jan 1, 1534 to

    History of New France

  • Apr 23, 1534

    Jacques Cartier comes to Canada

    Jacques Cartier comes to Canada
    Arived in Canada
  • Apr 23, 1535

    Cartier's second voyage to Canada

    He became the first person to sail the St Lawrance
  • Apr 23, 1541

    King of France stops any more trips

    King stopped any forther voyages because Cartier brought back fools gold and quartz
  • Metis marriage

    Goverment encourages mariege between coure du bois and aborigenal woman
  • Samule de Champlain first trip to Canada

    Samule de Champlain first trip to Canada
    Samule de champlane made maps of the coast
  • Champlain brought 100 settlers to New France

    champlain brought 100 settlers to new france
  • alliance wih huron

    alliance wih huron
    Samule de champlain made an alliance with the huron which made the french enimes with the iroquis
  • coure du bois leave the colony

    coure du bois leave the colony
    A group of pepole called the coures du bois decided to levea the colony
  • French got a trading company

    French got a trading company
    The french got a prviate tradding company
  • illegal for anyone to trade with the aboriginals

    It becam illegal for anyone but agents to trade with the aborigenal
  • government made a limit for fur traders

    The goverment made a limit for the amount of priviate fur tradders
  • Voyages allowed to trade furs

    the name of the pepole that could trade furs where called voyagers
  • coure du bois join fur trade

    It became legal for coure du bois to join the fur trade
  • French found the Ohio Valley

    the french found the ohio valley which meant they had more land
  • 2 sides in seven year war identified

    2 sides in seven year war identified
    there where too sides in the seven year war it was France,Austria and Russia the other side was Britian and Prussia
  • the wars were in Europe and North America

    the fighting was in Europe and North America
  • Brittish took control of New France and Acadia

    Brittian took over New france and Acadia
  • conflict with the Natives and British begun

    conflict with the Natives and British begun
    the brittish had lots of problumes with the natives
  • 13 British colonies continued to have issues with the natives

    Brittian had even more problumes but with 13 colonies
  • Quebec act came into effect

    They got the Qubec act
  • 77 rebels called minute men fought the British

    77 rebles named minute man fought 700 hightly tranded Brittish soilders
  • second attack by the minute men

    After Brittish won against the minute men they where confronted by hundreds of minute men
  • Decloration of independence is signed by the 13 colonies

    Decloration of independence is signed by the 13 colonies
    The 13 olines gather for signing of the decloration of independence
  • British loose to the Americans in battle

    British loose to the Americans in battle
    America beat Britts with the 13 colonies
  • Treaty of Paris was signed

    Treaty of Paris was signed
    Treaty of paris got America there independence
  • Acadians were kicked out of their village by the British

    the accadians where kicked out of there village by the brittish and had there houes burned