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Important events in Canadian History

  • Oct 10, 1500

    The Fur Trade

    The Fur Trade
    Economy and Development:
    The fur trade began in the 1500's exchanged between Indians, French and Europeans. The Frech gave knives, kettles, etc to the Indians in return for pelts. By the late 1500's the demand for beaver pelts was increasing.
  • Oct 10, 1534

    Jaques Cartier's first voyage to North America

    Jaques Cartier's first voyage to North America
    Population and settlement:
    Although Jaques Cartier was unsuccessful in finding a route to Asia, he found other valuable resources in North America like, wood, gold, fish and animals that will help the economy.
  • Establishment of Quebec

    Establishment of Quebec
    Population and Settlement:
    Quebec was established by Chaplain where he chose a good location to meet because they would meet by the st. Lawrence river. They would meet where the river narrows. It was the first permanent settlement and was used as a tradepost but was later replaced by Montreal.
  • Monopoly of the 100 Associates Company

    Monopoly of the 100 Associates Company
    Economy and Development:
    The king granted the control of the monopoly fur trade to the Company of 100 Associates.
    They must populate New France in return of the monopoly. The fur trade developed after this event and made beaver belts a lot more popular.
  • Establishment of Ville Marie

    Establishment of Ville Marie
    Population and Settlement:
    Paul Chomedy, sieur de Maisonneuve establishes Ville Marie in 1642 as a place to convert the natives into Christianity.
    Because of its great location between the Amerindian areas, it is later used as a fur trade post. It is now called Montreal.
  • Converting the Amerindiens

    Converting the Amerindiens
    Culture and Currents of Thoughts:
    With the establishment of Ville Marie, which was made to convert the natives to Catholic, evangelism ended after the defeat of the French.
  • Royal Government

    Royal Government
    Official Power and Counter Power:
    King Louis ended the monopoly of the 100 associates company and implemented a new gouvernment called the Royal Government.

    It was composed of these groups:
    (see left image)
  • Jean Talon's incentives for immigration

    Jean Talon's incentives for immigration
    Jean Talon created incentives to help increase the population of New France. His ideas were:
    1) He had the king send over women from France to get married to men in the colony. The women were called filles du roi.
    2) He offered land to soldiers if they stayed after their contract was over.
    3) He had people come to work with local jobs like a blacksmith for 3 years and in return they would receive a master's degree of that profession. He then encouraged them to stay in the colony.
  • Putting Churches in Seigneuries

    Putting Churches in Seigneuries
    Culture and Currents of Thought:
    Because the French culture was so religious they built churches in their communities. This started with the new policies of Jean Talon and the foundation of Seigneuries. It shortly ended with the Royal Proclamation because of they weren't allowed a new Bishop. They were allowed to practice the Catholic religion again after the Quebec act.
  • The Treaty of Utrecht

    The Treaty of Utrecht
    Official Power and Counter Power:
    The Treaty of Utrecht was a treaty that ended the second intercolonial war. The intercolonial wars occurred when the main lands were in war, then the colonies went to war.The war was fought over religion and language.
  • Battle on the Plains of Abraham

    Battle on the Plains of Abraham
    Official Power and Counter Power:
    The seven year war or the French and Indian war was a war that was taking place in both France and New France. it was a battle for the land of New France which took place on the Plains of Abraham in 1759. In 1759, Wolfe defeats Montcalm on Plains of Abraham in France.
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    Official Power and Counter Power:
    This treaty ended the 7 year war also called the French and Indian war against France and Britain. France was forced to give New France to England except two islands; Saint Pierre and Miquelon.
  • Act of Quebec

    Act of Quebec
    Official Power and Counter Power:
    It allows Quebec to gain the Ohio valley and add to place French civil laws. There was a council, to ensure that the French speaking subjects were loyal to England. Murray did this so the French speaking subjects wouldn't rebel aginst them, like the English would.
  • English loyalists arrive in Canada

    English loyalists arrive in Canada
    Population and Settlement:
    After the Americans won the war against England, the inhabitants of the United States who were still loyal to their king were forced to leave their land after the Treaty of Versailles in 1783.They were forced by the Americans to leave the territory, but most went to Canada.