
The Call of the Wild By: Jack London

  • Buck Gets Stolen

    Buck Gets Stolen
    Manuel takes Buck, a huge St. Bernard/ Shepard, from his home in Santa Clara Valley. Manuel then sells Buck to two mysterious men that are going to take buck up North to sell as a sled dog.
    *This is important because Buck is now going up North away from his luxurious house in Santa Clara Valley.
  • Beaten Down to Obedience

    Beaten Down to Obedience
    After 3 days of travling by railroad Buck finally arrives with his burgulers at the dog breaker. Here Buck is beaten and beaten with a wood stick until he no longer tries to attack and bite the man.
    *The importance of this event is that this is the first time that Buck feels pain and he learns that a man with a stick is not someone to be messed with.
  • Buck Learns a Lesson about the Dogs

    Buck Learns a Lesson about the Dogs
    Francois and Perrault buy Buck from the dog breaker and they have Buck join their othr dogs. Here Buck saw Curly, a dog that came their with Buck, get torn apart and murdered by the other dogs.
    * This is important because Buck learns that he must be strong and beware of every one of these new dogs because they will kill him if they get a chance.
  • Buck Pulls Sled for First Time

    Buck Pulls Sled for First Time
    Buck gets a dog sled harness on him for the first time and learns what sleding is. He finds out that he must alway pull as hard as he can otherwise the other dogs will bite him. Also, he gets a rude awakening of the long hard days that the dogs pull for.
    *This event is very crucial for Buck because it gives him his first lesson on sled pulling that he will need later if he wants to go up in rank on the team.
  • Buck Learns how to Keep Warm and Sleeep

    Buck Learns how to Keep Warm and Sleeep
    Buck has been fighting the cold outside for days and is going to die if he does not get out of the cold and get sleep. However, all of the other dogs have vanished, he figures out that to stay warm he must burry himself in the snow to insulate him and keep himself from the freezing air.
    *This event is important because every night he must do this or else he will freeze.
  • Buck and Spitz Fight for First Time

    Buck and Spitz Fight for First Time
    Buck is one of the strongest dogs on the team and he is wanting to go up in rank. To do this he must get the respect from the other dogs. However, Spitz the leader of the team wants Buck to stay where he is. This starts the first fight between the two dogs of many to come.
    *This event is important because Buck knows know that one day him and Spitz will have to fight until death if he is to become leader.
  • Buck Gets His Chance and Wins

    Buck Gets His Chance and Wins
    Buck leads the entire team on a chace to catch a rabbit. SPitz and Buck get to the rabbit at the same time and they both know its time for the death match. Buck wins and kills Spitz and becomes the new leader of the dog sled team.
    *This event may be the most important because it puts Buck into the leadership that he wants and now he has the respect of every dog and his masters.
  • Buck is Sold and Must Go on Another Run

    Buck is Sold and Must Go on Another Run
    Buck and his team after dog sled running for the entire winter are worn out and need a rest. There is still a demand for running teams so Francois and Perrault sell the team to three unexperienced foreigners for a lot of money.
    *This signifies that the team and Buck will now have to go on another run with unexperienced drivers and on tired sore feet.
  • Buck is Saved by John Thorton

    Buck is Saved by John Thorton
    During the trip with the new people over half of the dogs on the team died from starvation. Buck himself was unable to stand up. Luckily John Thorton decided to save Buck and take him from the foreigners just before the rest of the team broke through the river and died.
    *This event is important becasue if John thorton did not do this Buck would have died.
  • Buck Discovers the Wild and Likes it

    Buck Discovers the Wild and Likes it
    After helping John Thorton owner find gold by pulling his sled Buck gets time to himself while the team collects the gold. He discovers that he likes the wild and he is able to kill animals with ease.
    *This is important because it shows that one day he might just go to the wild forever because he loves it so much.
  • Revenge for Death

    Revenge for Death
    One day after one of his trips to the wilds Buck discovers that John Thorton and his team has been murdered by Indians. Buck is so overraged by the murders that he tracks down the Indians and kills each and every one of them by himself.
    *This event is important becasue it show how loyal Buck was to John Thorton.
  • Bucks Lives his Life in the Wild

    Bucks Lives his Life in the Wild
    Buck has no more attachments to people since his master John Thorton died so he decides to live in the life of his ancestors and joins a pack of wolfs in the forest where for the first time he is truley happy.
    *This signifies how Buck is able to rebound after his masters death and live out his life in the wild.