The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

  • Bruno comes home to see everyone is packing

    They are all packing and he is told that they will be moving from Berlin, Germany over to Poland for his dads work.
  • Shmuel can't find his dad

    When the two boys meet up one day, Shmuel tells Bruno the unfortunate news that nobody can find his dad and that he is missing. Bruno and Shmuel plan to hunt for him the next day in hopes of finding him.
  • Bruno Moves next to Auschwitz

    His dads work is located in Auschwitz but Bruno does not like it here and wants to move back to his old home
  • He sees Kids over the fence

    One day as he's looking out his sisters bedroom window, he spots children over the barbed fence. He's not sure why they are there though.
  • Bruno goes exploring

    When Bruno is feeling bored one day, he decides to start exploring and while he's out adventuring he finds a boy on the other side of the fence he saw earlier. He starts talking to him but has to go back home. He finds that the boys name is Shmuel
  • Bruno meets Shmuel again

    When Bruno wanders down to his kitchen he sees Shmuel standing there cleaning glasses and dishes for Bruno's dads birthday party. A soldier catches the two talking and Bruno denies the fact that they are friends.
  • Bruno apologizes to Shmuel

    After the night where Bruno told the soldier they weren't friends, he went to go see shmuel the day after and they hung out and "played". Bruno apologized and they went back to being friends.
  • Bruno's mom wants to go back

    Bruno overhears his parents fighting about moving back, his mom wanting to go back and his dad needing to stay due to his job.
  • Bruno goes into the camp

    The next day Bruno shows up with a pair of striped pajamas just like the rest of them are wearing. He sneaks through a little piece of bent wire and put on the uniform, they then go out and look for the father. Bruno doesn't like the look of the camp but he promised Shmuel he would help so he does. They never find the father. They are herded by many soldiers who lead them with other Jews into the gas chamber. They do not realize what is happening but Then gas starts getting released.
  • The Family Afterwards

    Bruno's family is shocked and saddened by his death/ disappearance. Gretel and his mother go back to Berlin but his dad must stay and do his job at Auschwitz.