Bruno moves away
Bruno moves to a new house because his dad get a new job his dad is solider for the Nazi and Nazi were solider that were Germans and they didn't like Jews much because they thought they were different than them . -
Bruno's new house
Bruno is at his new house and he doesn't like the new house so he tries to convince his father to move back ,but his dad says no so Bruno goes and tries to build a tire swing. He falls off and Pavel who is a Jewish cleans him up , he tells Bruno he's a doctor but Bruno didn't believe him. -
Bruno notices lots of children on the other side.
One day Bruno sees children playing outside and tells his sister but there mom would not let them because she new that they were Jews ,but she kept it to her self. -
Bruno meets a friend!
Bruno goes exploring in the backyard , but his moms tells him not to go in the backyard because it by the concentration camp were they had put all the Jews . Bruno finds a friend his name is Shmuel he was in that camp and Bruno ask him why is he wearing striped pajamas Shmuel said because the took all the our close away the soldiers Bruno said my dads a solider but not the kind were they would take a persons close away, then Bruno and Shmuel were friends . -
Bruno gets to know Shmuel
Bruno comes back the next day to see Shmuel and they talk then Bruno ask Shmuel if he's hungry Shmuel says yes kind of ,and Bruno runs to his house and brings back some food for Shmuel. -
Bruno and Shmuel finally get to play with each other.
Bruno wakes up comes back to the place were Shmuel is at and says I wish we could play together so Bruno runs back to his house and gets a hovel so he could dig under the fence .Then Bruno finally digs a hole big enough and gets under the hole to get to the other side of the fence and Shmuel brings him a pair of close so he would fit in and he shaves his head ,then Bruno and Shmuel finally get to play with each other. -
The End
Then just as Bruno was about to head home the boys are surrounded by soldiers and forced to march. There are being lead to the gas chamber and when they were finally inside and took there close off and went in to a small room Bruno and Shmuel started holding hands and after that they were killed . Then his mother and sister went back to Berlin and Bruno's dad stays in Auschwitz .Then one day he retraced Bruno's steps and realized what had happened to Bruno and Shmuel .