The age of exploration to independence

  • Period: 1800 BCE to 800

    The Maya

  • Period: 1200 BCE to 600 BCE

    The Olmecs

  • 1095

    pope urban calls for crusades in the holy land

    pope urban calls for crusades in the holy land
    they want the holy land back
  • 1200

    Europe is a farming economy

    Europe is a farming economy
    they had lots of farmes and traded their goods for other things
  • Period: 1200 to 1521

    The Aztec

  • 1271

    marco polo travels to the east

    marco polo travels to the east
    on his big trip
  • 1289

    crusades end

    crusades end
    after pope urban calls for crusades in the holy land, the crusades finally end
  • 1293

    polo journey home

    polo journey home
    polo comes home after being gone a long time
  • 1298

    polo imprisoned and writes his book

    polo imprisoned  and writes his book
    he wrote his book while in prison
  • Period: 1300 to

    the renaissance

    a new period began called the renaissance witch also means rebirth
  • Period: 1400 to 1532

    The Inca

  • 1415

    the Portuguese captured the fortress of ceuta in africa

    the Portuguese captured the fortress of ceuta in africa
    they had never explored Africa before so they did not know what was there
  • 1419

    he found the madeira islands

    he found the madeira islands
    one his journey he found these islands
  • 1427

    he found the azores islands

    he found the azores islands
    during his travels he also found the Azores islands
  • 1434

    made a safe return home

    made a safe return home
    after 15 years of traveling he came home
  • 1440

    the printing press was invented

    the printing press was invented
    the printing press allowed more people to have books of there own
  • 1488

    he reached south africa

    he reached south africa
    after going around the tip of Africa he got to South Africa in march 1488
  • 1519

    Cortes invades the Aztec

    Cortes invades the Aztec
  • 1529

    Pizarro Invades the Inca

    Pizarro Invades the Inca
  • 1532

    The Inca fall under Pizarro

    The Inca fall under Pizarro
  • Thomas Hobbes writes The Leviathan

    Thomas Hobbes writes The Leviathan
  • John Locke writes The Second Treatise on Government

    John Locke writes The Second Treatise on Government
  • The United States declares Independence

    The United States declares Independence
  • France writes the Declaration of the Rights of Man

    France writes the Declaration of the Rights of Man
  • Haiti gains independence

    Haiti gains independence
  • Bolivar and his soldiers begin Venezuela’s fight for independence

    Bolivar and his soldiers begin Venezuela’s fight for independence
  • Bolivar’s Gran Columbia gains its independence

    Bolivar’s Gran Columbia gains its independence
  • Jose de San Martin frees Peru from Spain

    Jose de San Martin frees Peru from Spain
  • Mexico gains independence

    Mexico gains independence