The Birth of Willard Van Orman Quine
Born in Akron, Ohio on the 25th of June in 1908. Willard Van Orman Quine would live to be one of the most prominent names in Philosophy, Logic, and Mathematics. He would publish several works that are still being studied and examined to this day. -
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Life at Harvard
W. V. Quine studied Mathematics with Honors presented in Mathematical Philisophy at Oberlin College in Ohio from 1926 to 1930. He won a scholarship to attend Harvard University to finish his PhD in Philosophy. Later in life, W. V. Quine would return to Harvard University as a Faculty Instructor, an Associate Professor and finally as a Professor. -
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The Sheldon Travelling Fellowship
W.V. Quine was award the Sheldon Travelling Fellowship, which allowed him to travel to Europe and study abroad. He visited Warsaw, Vienna, and Prague. Notably, he met a few leading philosophers during this time, Alfred Tarski and Rudolf Carnap are two to note. -
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Very Well Published
From 1932 to close to his passing in 1995, W. V. Quine would be a very published author, he would create works what would touch on metaphysics, logic, mathematics, the philosophy of logic as well as the philosophy of language. He would publish a total of 22 books, A System of Logistics in 1932, Elementary Logic in 1941, and Quiddities in 1990 to name a few. -
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Edgar Pierce Professor of Philosophy
W. V. Quine became the Edgar Pierce Professor of Philosophy and he was so until he retired in 1978. During this time he published many works and even developed his own type of philosophy in which he called Naturalized Epistomology. Quine was known to be a negative philosopher in ways that he would criticize works to challenge its validity. -
A Life Well Spent
Willard Van Orman Quine would later pass on Christmas Day in the turn of the century at 2000. W. V. Quine would cement his place in philosophical history as someone who challenged the fundamental ideas behind philosophies and would change the way studies are done today. Follow the link to see an overview of his works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1wlNvfASaU