The 4 Right Guided Caliphs

  • Jun 7, 632

    The death of Prophet Muhammed

    The death of Prophet Muhammed
    Prophet Muhammad's death was caused by severe fever and pain in his body. He dies on 8th June, 632 AD. When he was sick and was taking his last breaths, he appointed Abu Bakr to lead the prayers.
    Image : Prophet Muhammed's name in Arabic.
  • Jun 8, 632

    Abu Bakr

    Abu Bakr
    Image : Potrait
  • Jun 8, 632

    The First Caliph Appointed : Abu Bakr

    The First Caliph Appointed : Abu Bakr
    During his reign :
    1. After conversion he spent much of his wealth in buying and setting free Moslem slaves.
    2. His daughter Marries prophet muhammed.
    3. During his reign, many revolts begun. ("Wars of estopasy")
    4. He sent an expedition from Medina to Syria, Iraq, and parts of Persia.
    5. Battle of Yamma fought in 633.
    Image : Name of Abu Bakr in Arabic
  • Nov 23, 634

    The Second Caliph Appointed : Umar ibn al-Khattab

    The Second Caliph Appointed : Umar ibn al-Khattab
    1. Second caliph (khalīfa) and main architect of the Arab Islamic empire.
    2. It was during ʾUmar's caliphate that Muslim religious and political institutions arose which were to be the model for future generations.
    3. As second caliph (khalīfa) he organized the Islamic conquests and the administration of the empire.
    4. He got assasinated in Medinah.
    5. The dīwān (‘stipend register’), a form of welfare state by which annual stipends were paid to all Muslims from the public treasury
  • Nov 23, 634

    Umar ibn al-Khattab

    Umar ibn al-Khattab
    Image : A painting of him with his colleagues
  • Nov 3, 644

    The Third Caliph Appointed : Uthman ibn Affan

    The Third Caliph Appointed : Uthman ibn Affan
    1.He married the Prophet Muḥammad's daughters, Rukaiya and Umm Kulthum.
    2.It was during his time that Islamic conquests reached their peak, bringing with them novel problems of the relation between the original community
    3. He was consequently accused of nepotism and corruption.
    4.Opposition to Uthmān came to be represented the figures of Aisha (Prophet's favourite wife).
    5.ʿUthmān's circulation of the official edition of the Quran, precipitated a chain of events that led to his assassination
  • Nov 3, 644

    Uthman ibn Affan

    Uthman ibn Affan
    Image : Caliph Uthman Doing prayer
  • Jun 17, 656

    The Fourth Caliph Appointed : Ali ibn Talib

    The Fourth Caliph Appointed : Ali ibn Talib
    1.Abu Talib also was chief of the clan of Hashim of the tribe of Quraysh in Mecca.
    2.He joined in the Hijra, the migration to Medina in 622, and shortly afterward married Mohammed's daughter, Fatima.
    3.Ali took part in most of the military expeditions sent out by Mohammed.
    4.He seems to have been a devout Moslem but to have had no special gift for politics.
    5.Ali's figure caught the popular imagination and a political party was formed around him and his descendants. This is the Shiite or Shia.
  • Jun 17, 656

    Ali ibn Talib

    Ali ibn Talib
    Image : The sword of Ali ibn Talib representing