Grover cleveland

the 22nd and also the 24th president

  • parents

    his father is Richard falley Cleveland
    His mom is Ann Neal Cleveland
  • Birth

    Stephen Grover Cleveland was born on march 18,1837 in Caldwell New jersey.
  • Education

    He went to high school for a bit then left because his father was very sick and died so he left to support his family. He didn't go to collage because of how sad his family was because of his father death.
  • fun fact

    fun fact
    his very first job was a teacher in new york institute.
  • another job

    another job
    Grover Cleveland was also a law clerk like helps with the law and make sure people know them.
  • more laws while Grover was president

    more laws while Grover was president
    Tenure of Office Act- of when he was president the Tenure of Office Act of 1867 is repealed after Cleveland challenges its constitutionality. The act had required that the President gain Senate approval to remove from office any individuals who had received Senate confirmation upon appointment. Congress had passed the bill in order to gain control over President Andrew Johnson.
  • political party

    political party
    Grover Cleveland was a democratic
  • Children

    they had 6 children and there names were Oscar folsom,1874- he was put for adoption so they don't know. These are all of their six children Ruth, Esther, Marion, Richard Folsom, Francis Grover,
  • jobs/career

    he was a Mayor in Buffalo.
  • joined office

    joined office
    He joined the office when he won.
  • grover cleveland beside president

    grover cleveland beside president
    he hunted ducks and other mainly ducks tho.
  • grover clevelans pets

    grover clevelans pets
    he had two dachundsa and a goldfish in second term
  • presidency

    Grover Cleveland was elected to president in (1885-1889)
    and also his second term (1893-1897).
  • Marriages

    Him and his wife Francis Folsom got married June 2,1886.He was 49 and she was 21 when they got married.
  • laws

    2nd Interstate Commerce Act- establishing the Interstate Commerce Commission to regulate railways and other carriers. This law introduced a new type of federal agency.
  • news events

    news events
    1st Dawes General Allotment Act- U.S. law providing for the distribution of Indian reservation land among individual Native Americans.
  • laws

    1st Dawes General Allotment Act- U.S. law providing for the distribution of Indian reservation land among individual Native Americans.
  • who he lost to in 23rd president

    who he lost to in 23rd president
    grover cleveland lost to benjamin harrison
  • left office

    left office
    he left office on march 4 1889.
  • president facts

    president facts
    he was the first democrat to be elected after the civil war.
  • grover clevelands pets

    grover clevelands pets
    he had two dachshunds durring second term.
  • retired to

    retired to
    moved to a nice spacious house in Princeton new jersey.
  • ruths death

    ruths death
    she diead 1904 january 7th
  • death

    Grover Cleveland died June 24, 1908
  • death

    was burried at Princeton Cemetery New Jersey.
  • death

    due to a heart attack died because of it.
  • richard cleveland

    richard cleveland
    died january 10th 1974
  • esther cleveland

    esther cleveland
    died jun 25 1980
  • francis cleveland

    francis cleveland
    he died november 8th 1995
  • oscor folsom

    oscor folsom
    he was put up for adoption and then he disappeared in 2013