Tectonic Plates

  • Eduard Suess

    Eduard Suess
    He was responsible for hypothesising two major former geographical features, the supercontinent Gondwana and the Tethys Ocean.
  • Arthur Holmes

    Arthur Holmes
    Was a geologist who made two major contributions to the understanding of geology.He pioneered the use of radiometric dating of minerals and was the first earth scientist to grasp the mechanical and thermal implications of mantle convection,
  • Alfred Wegener

    Alfred Wegener
    He suggested a theory about it.He did lots of proves to make sure this was corrected.
  • Hugo Benioff

    Hugo Benioff
    Was a seismologist. He is famous for his work on deep focus earthquakes and how they are associated with subduction zones. He was the first to propose that subduction zones cause deep focus earthquakes.
  • Alexander du Toit

    Alexander du Toit
    He was the first scientist to propose the theory of two original supercontinents separated by one ocean.At least he noticed the stratigraphy was nearly identical.
  • Harry Hammond Hess

    Harry Hammond Hess
    He was geologist.He studied mid-ocean ridges and suggested that a process he called sea-floor spreading continually adds new material to the ocean floor
  • John Tuzo Wilson

    John Tuzo Wilson
    was initially sceptical of the theory of Plate Tectonics, but eventually became one of its most famous supporters, proposing two important ideas.
  • Frederick Vine

    Frederick Vine
    He was a geologist and geophysicist.He made key contributions to show that the seafloor spreads from mid-ocean ridges with a symmetrical pattern of magnetic reversals in the basalt rocks on either side.
  • Edward Bullard

    Edward Bullard
    was a geophysicist.He demonstrated that a better fit between the continents could be made if the continental shelf/slope boundary at a water depth of 1,000 meters was used instead of the current coastlines of the continents.
  • Xavier Le Pichon

    Xavier Le Pichon
    He was able to demonstrate a model of motion of six plates that form the earth's crust. He demonstrated that the total crust created at the ocean ridges equaled the amount of crust lost due to subduction.