Light bulb

Technology Use Progression - 16th Century

  • 1510

    Pocket Watch

    Pocket Watch
    Peter Henlein
    When pocket watches first came to be it was generally owned by the rich as a status symbol. They were usually placed upon walls than carried around in pockets. They tended to be awkward and boxy.
  • 1510

    Horizontal Water Wheel

    Horizontal Water Wheel
    Leonardo da Vinci
    Transmitted power either through the axle or ring gear. Was generally used to drive belts or gears to directly drive their load. Triggered future inventions to use water-based inventions to create electricity.
  • Knitting Machine

    Knitting Machine
    William Lee
    Developed the machine because a woman he fancied showed more interest in knitting than in him. He went to the Queen to patent his idea but was refused. He then made an improved version and began stocking manufacture in France with support from Henry IV.
  • Compound Telescope

    Compound Telescope
    Zacharias Janssen
    He and his father created lenses that were encased in a two-tube system. It allowed 3-9 times magnification compared to the other microscopes of the time. Though there is a debate on whether or not he actually created it, he definitely had the skills in order to do so.
  • Telescope

    Hans Lippershey
    Rumors say that he got the idea for his design from children playing with lenses, others say he stole the design from Zacharias Jansen. Nonetheless, Lippershey got credit for a patent for a telescope.