Tangerine Maria M

  • Move from Texas to Florida

    Move from Texas to Florida
    Paul was on his way to Florida from Texas .Before he left, his imagination of a zombie following him representing that he was part of the family and that problems follow you no matter where you go.
  • Muck Fire

    Muck Fire
    Paul and his mom figured out there has been a fire for a long while. Latter that day there was a thunderstorm. The wind would drag and blow the sand everywhere.
  • Legally blind

    Legally blind
    Paul and Mrs.Fisher were at the new school Paul will be going. And after Mrs.Fisher and the school principal introduced themselves Mrs.Fisher wanted to see where exactly were Paul will be going to school. And Mrs.Fisher told the principal he was legally blind and she was hoping she can have a quick dry tour around the school.
  • Eric football

    Eric football
    Paul was saying that Eric last year made 9 points and 14 points because he kicked the football forty-seven-yards field goal. And then Mr. Fisher told the coach about Ohio State how he regretted that he was not big enough to play football.
  • The Flashback!!!!!!!!

    The Flashback!!!!!!!!
    Today is Paul's first day of school that he walks to the bus with Erik by them self and instead of Erik walking with Paul Erik walks ahead and goes with his fifth grade friends. And while he was walking he remembered Erick's friends will call him Eclipse Boy. And how Erik told his friends he was blind because he stared at an Eclipse. By the time Paul noticed his brother was in front of the bus line with his friends and Paul is the last one in line to get on the bus.
  • The football DRAM

    The football DRAM
    Erick is trying to show others how he can be a better quarterback than Mike Costello.But right now the best one on the team is Mike. Now Author has joined Eric because he has never played because he dose not have much skills like Erik. And Arthur was accepted to FSC's school of Engineering.
  • The thunder hit

    The thunder hit
    Paul and Joey were running laps and Joey pointed out the pour house that has been struck by lightning three times. And the people who lived there were Mr.Donnelly and him son. Now they are selling beloved house. And Joey said are they losers.
  • The goaltender

    The goaltender
    Paul was at a soccer practice.Paul's head couch was Mr.Walski an eighth-grade teacher. the coach said everybody makes it on the team but no everybody plays except in soccer practice. For away games the bus can only fit fifteen players. Then everybody lines up for penalty kicks and Paul is the goly and at the end Paul ends up being the goaltender.
  • The dead goalpost

    The dead goalpost
    Paul and his mom were getting back from the grocery store. They were unloading there car. They were inside fixing the groceries and Eric and Arthur came and they said Mike was dead. His mom stood there that could not believe it Eric said he was by the goalpost and boom he fell every on surrounded him.

    Erics mom thaught school was going to be canceled or shortend but no she thought that because in houner of Mike Costello. Not

    even football practice was canceled. One teacher put his home address on the chalkboard so they can send cards to the family.
  • The Callas

    The Callas
    Paul's mom collected every ones phone in Tangerine she began to call every one and ask did they have a son in football. She is going to call every one. Then she got a call and the principal called and they are going to go to Paul's house the coach and the principal. So she also invited everyone she had called to meet up at her house. So they perperd every thing and every one arrived and when the principal and coach arrived they began to speak about what has happened to Mike Costello.
  • Kicked me off the team. Walski

    Kicked me off the team. Walski
    Eric was at his soccer practice. While eric was practicing a kid came over and told him that the coach was calling him. Eric thought to himself that coach would tell him he made it on the bus for away games but instead coach Walski told him he was off the team because of his IEP plane.
  • The curious carnival

    The curious carnival
    Paul was waking up and going downstairs his parents were arguing about why Eric has practice in the mourning the morning of Mike Costello's funeral. They argued until they stooped, Eric and his dad left. Joey called if Eric's mom can drive them to the carnival. Paul was exsided to see the other side of the town. While they were going into route 89 Joey said her dad told her that all of what they saw once were tangerine groves and they would go as far as the eye can see.
  • The sinkhole

    The sinkhole
    Paul and kids Paul saw at the carnival were sent to the office.That the property of the carnival was vandalized by soccer players and right away they said all said not me but Paul said ''I might now who''.So he told them it was soccer players from Tangerine middle.The boys were going back to class and they went in then all of the sudden Joey said ''earth quack''No sinkhole'' and 19 was being swallowed by the mud one at a time.The thy got a call from grandma and grandpa that they were on T.V.
  • Disaster meeting

    Disaster meeting
    Paul was saying that their was spectacular pictures of the tangerine middle school sinkhole. On the news their was a letter from Mr.Gates saying that their is a special disaster meeting Friday night at seven-thirty. The state and county officials are planing on going to the meeting.
  • Build

    Eric's dad is now the Director of Civil Engineering for Tangerine County. It happens quickly that channel 2 ran a witness New special report about Old Charley Burns last night at 6 :00. The new witness kicked butt and it turns out that the ten year multi billionaire. building boom on the west side of the Tangerine country
  • The plan

    The plan
    The meeting was beginning then Mrs.Gates went up to the microphone said ''First I want to apologize for the room conditions'' she also thanked the teachers and students. However they had a plan that they would return school Monday. Paul said "Monday just a weekend and that is it". Now as Paul's dad is the new engineering manege he,his workers will fix the hole, build the school. Mean while they will be sharing classrooms the middle and high scholars.But Paul wanted to move schools.
  • New school

    New school
    Paul first day at Tangerine middle school He arrived to school,the principal gave him an escort a girl Theresa Cruz. Theresa will be his escort for his second day too. The only time Theresa would talk is inter dosing him to teachers except when Paul ask her about the soccer team. Her brother Tino was on the team Paul told her that he was thinking of going to the soccer practice but Theresa said"Her brother was not going today because he was suspended for three days for vandalizing the carnival".
  • Lunch table

    Lunch table
    When Paul and Theresa were eating at lunch then Victor .Tino and other guys walk in,Victor comes up and says "How is this "Theresa said "chill he is the one I told you about". Then they were at soccer practice, it was time for Paul to be guile keeper so he stretched his arms to show Victor he is not a Windsor lake loser. He saves the ball and falls Victor kikes the ball in and Tino says that did not count as a goal and Victor says it does and then they started to fight.
  • The Jerseys

    The Jerseys
    Paul and Joey have there school jerseys. The were showing each other there jerseys. they went out side and the muck fire smell was spreading and the smell was strong and Paul can even feel the fire. But Joeys Jersey had the word seagulls written on the back in cursive Joeys was brand new with whit socks.
  • The First game

    The First game
    It was the first soccer game it was a away game against Palmetto. However during the game Eric looked up at Victor,Victor was focused and didn't look. Later that day Eric was done eating dinner he got a phone call its Joey.Called to tell Eric that he was going to see him Monday. He said that the lawyer did all the talking.So Eric asked what did the coach thin,Joeys dad mad the coach sing a paper. And he asked about the soccer team and Eric says they take the games as live or die situation.
  • The football game

    The football game
    It was the first football game for Lake Windsor High school they played Cypress Bay High Cardinals. Eric's dad got there at one o'clock for a two o'clock game. And Eric was glad they got there early so they can get space to sit on the home side bleachers. The bleachers were getting full and there was people of the other school sitting on the home bleachers and moved and went to sitt o the bleachers behind the sing do not pass, and Mr.Bridges was yelling to move and then the sheriff came.
  • The game

    The game
    Today was there second game Kinno middle.Maya drilled the penalty ball the score was 1-0.In half time it was 3-3. Nita lifted her knee very high, suddenly the score was 7-3.Latter that day Eric got a call from Cara Clifton she asked if he know Kerri Gardener he said 'yes" and told him she said "hi" so he said "hi" back, she asked him "so you kinda liked her",he stayed still didn't answer she hung up.Then he called Joey, Paul told Joey everything and Joey said it was just a servery girls do.
  • Fish Bug

    Fish Bug
    Victor asked Paul "why dose Joey follow every him were" Eric said " I don't know ask him". Victor taped Joey on the solder and asked him and he did not answer.Then Victor taped him harder and looked at him mad Joey side not talk until the curb. They got in the car with Paul mom and his mom rolled down the window and she talked to Maya,Nita.However Joeys nabobs houses have tents because of bugs and Joey cant be in his house for 2 days. Paul's mom said he can go to Paul's house and stay the night.
  • The Distraction

    The Distraction
    At soccer practice a reporter showed up wanted to interview Maya and Shandra. Victor thought they were there to interview him but they were not. Mr. Donnelly explainse there top score where girl's. The next day Paul looked at the paper and they have printed the wrong photo instead of maya it was Nita.
  • The Quit

    The Quit
    Theresa,Tino,Henry D,Paul and Joey have mad a group.There was a silence then until Joey said "I am not on the team anymore" "seance when" Paul asked Joey answers "I turned my uniform this morning" "that's it? your just not on the team anymore that is it?".Joey replied "yeah that's it. so what? What's it to you" "It's nothing to me. I just don't understand. I thought you wanted to play soccer". Joey said he was not going to play soccer but when he is in high school he is going to play football.
  • Chump

    Joey spoke put it on my disk he will laser-jet it at home.Theresa frustrated looked at him, said "we don't have a computer use the typewriter". Tino snapped at him you got a problem tuna Joey said "No,I don't have a problem with that. I guess I got a problem with you." Tino said "You gonna have a big problem with me! bigger then you know Chump."Then Mrs.Potters took Tino outside to talk. Then Joey, Paul had an argument. Joey went outside.Mrs.Potters told him Tino was suspended for three days.
  • In the alcove

    In the alcove
    Paul was in the alcove. Mrs.Fisher yelled at Paul "I have a meeting" Paul says "what kind f meeting" Mrs.Fisher says "a loud one" so Paul dicides to stay in the alcove. When Mr.Costello arrived he saw Paul.Paul noticed that scensce Mike died he has been tired. How ever more people arrived and they began the meeting they talked about diffrent things one thing is about masqitos and two kids were killed becuse they got bit by the masquito.
  • House

    Paul was not surprised that Joey did not go to school because he must be re-enrolling that is good he thought he belongs there. Paul was walking with Theresa and she gave him a map of her house. Theresa invited him to meet Luis. Henry D is going to take Paul Henry's brother is tacking them. when Henry's brother got there Paul recognized him from the meeting in his house.
  • Time flys

    Time flys
    Paul says that his family has bin so busy that they don't even get to eat dinner together as a family anymore. He gets amazed by what time it is and by what day it is. Mr.fisher is now the new Director of the Civil Engineering for Tangerine County. Because Old Charley Burns died because of a heart of attack.
  • Are you sure

    Are you sure
    Pauls mom was taking him to the nursery. His mom was taking him she was not sure if that was safe for him. He told his mom that the building was built by the army. However Luis, Tino and Paul put out the black houses to the small trees and big trees.
  • 1978

    Pauls dad fot a call from Mr.Donnelly that he invited the Fisher family to his house to talk about Eric. They wnt to his house and Mr.Donnelly was better then Paul thaught he was like. He talked to Mr.Fisher Old Charly Burns. And he talked to Paul.Paul told him he was a soccer player. And Mr.Donnelly said his coch was Betty Btight right. He told Paul Betty was a runner she ran in the hundred meter dash and in the hundred meter hurdles.She saved muney to joing the U.S Olympic trails back in 1978.
  • Easy last

    Easy last
    It was the war eagles last home game against Manatee. They were easy to play. Paul and Nita scored goals. Then there a storm came and the Manatee couch talked to the referee. It was ageinst the rules for the Manatee to play in tje rain.They went into there bus. Voctor talked to the referee and he asked her questions and she said if they cant play in the rain then the game never existed.The referee told Betty.She told the team the game never existed. There last game is with Lake Windsor Middle.
  • Artical

    The next day Paul was readint the long artical tjere was a soccer and Bett's section. In the soccer section it said Maya had 22 gouls and Gino and Victor 18 a tie. So om Brtty's artical it had a picture of her and her high school oliympic team.
  • The win

    The win
    During the game Paul was blocking every kick toward there goal. Then he took a break and all of the sudden coach Mr. Walaski was next to Paul and he told Betty Paul was not allowed to play. So Betty told him about Antoine Thomas the star of the lake Windsor football team and Betty will show him were he really lives. Mr.Walaski said nothing, stepped back. However it was a penalty kick so Paul knew where Gino was going to kick and Gino Kicked the ball the other way and missed the goal.
  • The Hit

    The Hit
    Paul was at his science group ad every one is going to his house after school it was a kind of a big deal for Paul because people really do not go to his house. When Paul and his group were doing there project they decide to take a break. While they were taking a break Erik and Arthur pull up and go to the back yard where Paul and his friends where. Erik then looked at Tino and hit his and Tino fell and Erik left.
  • Did not tell them

    Did not tell them
    Paul did not to tell his parents what has happened between Erik and Tino. But that day Tino and Theresa were absent so aul did not have to talk to them that hole entire day. Paul did not tell his mom what Erik did because she would just make him apologize.
  • The cold Weather

    The cold Weather
    That morning it was very cold every one was freezing. The phone was ringing and Paul answers it was his grandmother and his grandfather. They asked Paul question and don't talk about Erik and Paul's mom took the phone from him and she talked. She ended the call and said they are coming on the weekend dad asks for how long and mom says 2 to 3 hours. The mom says she will be going the the storage bin to get winter clothes but she asks for Erik's key and he dose not have them.
  • 18 hours

    18 hours
    Paul slept for 18 hours and no one woke him up not for the football game not even for thanksgiving dinner.Then he woke up and laid there for a hour then got up and got dressed. He went down stairs to eat. his dad was telling him about the football game hoe they won. So Paul's mom made him a tea and they asked him how he felt and he said "okay" but he felt weird but he cant say what it is.
  • Worried

    Today was the day Paul's mom was suppoust to argue with him to go to school but she did not. He stayed home. Paul was thinking that Luis was going to see Erik and Arthur and Luis will not be by him this time. So then Kerri saw Paul and they talked and it was time for him to go so he said bye. His mom said "Who is she" he said "A girl from Lake Windsor" she is going to joeys on Friday.
  • The aneurysm

    The aneurysm
    Luis Cruz was dead. Paul discovered when he walked into his class and Henry D came up to him and told him. Paul asked "how" Henry replied "When Theresia and Tino were waiting for him to pick them up and they called there dad and his dad found him in the tangerine grove there laying dead. Paul thought his brother told Arthur to kill him. Paul called home, then he went inside, and did research on how he could have died because people thought he had a blood clot.
  • Did They

    Did They
    Paul got a call it was Theresa, she told him she did not want him to go to Luis's funiral. She told him that there has neen things that people have said about him.He hung up and with his mouth open he under stood every thing he ran out until he stoped at a dead water pound.There was then a kid who said "My mom and dad say there are gators in the water".And Paul told him that is a lie. Poul told him meany storys his perents told him and didnt tell him, after everys story he said did you meet him.
  • Part Of Me

      Part Of Me
    Paul's mom left at 10 o'clock and came back at exacting 12 noon. Paul pulled his suit out the one suit he wore to Mike Costello Funeral. He put it on with out any shoes or shirt. He ran out side and stopped at the gray wall. He pulled the rods from there and hr clean his face from the tears. And he thought Luis was a part of him.
  • `The Truth

    `The Truth
    Tino pushed him and kneed Erik his nose bled. Then Author was going Victor stooped him he ran. Then the coach stooped Tino a did not let go. Then Paul goes down and gets on the Coaches back and frees Tino then Paul fell, the football players got him they took him to the coaches office. His dad came and asked him who were they and he did not replay, he saw a door and ran as fast as he could.He went home, Erik got home and Paul told Erik that Erik was the one to tell Arthur to kill Luis.
  • No More Lie's

    No More Lie's
    Joey called Paul at nine O'clock. Joey told Paul the coach Betty parked on Mr. Donnelly's driveway. Then Paul hopped on his bike and drove to Mr. Donnelly's house. He saw someone in the passenger's seat. Paul saw a familiar face and said "Sandra" her dark eyes turned, she looked at Paul. They began to talk. She said her brother has been crying and she called Betty. And then she took them to Mr. Donnelly to tell him he lie's wear he lives in order to play in Lake Windsor.
  • The Truth

    The Truth
    Antoine lied about ware he lived Mr.Donnelly also wrote an article defending Antoine's record but it did not help much. So the coaches decide to blame Antoine alone. Later that day Mrs.Fisher had a meeting about the stolen items that Arthur and Erik they are leaving and they see that Joey lead the police to Fisher's house. To pick up Arthur about Luis murder and his dad try's to explain and Paul tells him it was Erik how told him to do it and Paul's dad side Erik will be under house arrest.
  • Expelled

    Paul and his mother went to school early, she had a meeting with the principal. He arrives and his mother goes in first. He goes inside and the principal tells him that Victor and Tino were suspended for three weeks and as he jumped on a teacher he was expelled from all public schools in the county and he shall end the school year in a privet school.Paul and his mother were leaving and they go shopping for new clothes and all his old clothes he gives them to Goodwill.
  • His Questioning

    His Questioning
    Paul's dad gets back from the police station with Erik after his questioning. Paul wants nothing to do with Erick anymore.Then Tino calls Paul to ask how he is doing. Paul tells him he is going to St. Anthony's but he is still going to play for the War Eagles next year. Later that day Paul writes out his statement for the police on his computer about Erik and a little about Luis. So he hands the paper to his perents and they read it together.
  • Round Three

    Round Three
    The first day of school for Paul round three. As they head out Mr. Fisher points out Mike Costello's tree. paul thinks it is good that Mike has a tree and even Luis a full grove. And as they continue driving, their route takes them grove after grove and Paul rolled down his window. Paul caches the beautiful smell of a golden dawn.