Move From Texas To Florida
Pual was on his way to Florida from Texas. Before he left, his imagination of a zombie following him representing that he was part of the family and that problems follow you no matter where you go. -
The Muck Fire
Paul's mom called 911 about a fire when the fire truck got there they waved and hollered so the truck head towards them. The driver didn't look that much older than Erik. The man explained to them that the smoke was from the muck fire. Paul took his bike out found a pond and rode around it then went back home. When he got home his mom was talking to a man the man said that the pond had Japanese carp in it and that he would see them if he went in the morning -
The School Tour
Paul went to the school that he was going to. The principals name was Mrs. Gates. Paul's mom asked her where what class he would be going to because he was legally blind. Paul said she that he was angry for calling attention to his eye sight when he could see perfectly fine. -
The Tryouts
Paul and every one was at the high school-middle school Campos. The coach was holding three day tryouts. Erick didn't need to try out dad had brought Erick to meet coach Warner earlier in the summer. The players did calisthenics under the troubled looking sky while black clouds gathered in the west. Coach said to dad that he had never had a good placekicker and that he could have used one last season -
Eclipse boy
It was Paul's first day of school he walked past dumpsters filled with plaster board and scrap metal. He turned at the end of Kensington Gardens Drive and walked parallel to high gray walls. Paul remembered his first day of kindergarten when he was in the school bus line and one of Ericks friends called him eclipse boy. Erick was telling his friends that the reason for Paul's glasses was because he stared at the sun without protection during the eclipse. -
The Foursome
Paul was in his room listening to his brother kicking a football. Arthur had a sister named Paige and Paul thinks she is clearly going to be Erick's girlfriend. Arthur has a girlfriend named Tina. They are a strange foursome they never pay attention to each other. Arthur has a white Toyota Land Cruiser with big tires and a spotlight so he can go mud runing in daylight and at night -
Unbreakable goggles
Paul has regular glasses and a second pair of sports goggles that never break they could crash land on Venus and still would not break. Paul's mom is having a hard time adjusting to the smoke from the muck fires. His mom took down her mothers drapes and packed them with her grandmothers quilts. Mr Costello asked her to be apart of the Architectural Committee. -
soccer tryouts
Paul's last class of the day is language arts. when he heard the gong bell he was filled with more energy and set of to soccer tryouts. The soccer field is to the left of the baseball diamond and next to undeveloped land. Joey asked Paul if he was a good goalie and let him be goalie so Joey could be fullback. the eighth graders laughed at Paul's goggles and asked if he was hear to play or models and Paul said play -
Mikes Death
Erick and Arthur got out his his truck and told Paul and his mom that mike Costello was dead that he died at practice.Erick said that he was standing in the end zone and kaboom he said that there was a crack and a flash and he went flying through the air. Mom called dad who was in the hospital and he said the same thing. Paul saw Erick and Arthur through the patio door. they were laughing about mike being dead. -
In Mike Memory
Mike Costello was not there to spin the laces away from the kicker and set the ball down he was on a slab at the undertacker's. Ms. Alvarez wrote the Costello's address on the chalk board and told the people who know him to send a card to the family. some guys at soccer practice were talking about the death and said that Mr. Bridges was going to do something to honor Mike's memory. -
The Meeting
Paul's mom began to call every one whos number she had to meet at there house a 7:45. By 7:55 some parents arrived and they were talking about how the koi fish were disapering from the lake. At 8:05 Mr. Bridges a small round man and Coach Warner showed up. The parents at the meeting agreed that practices should be in the mourning and that they participate in the car pool. -
The Insurance Problem
Paul was at soccer practice and was practicing when Gino said Mars is your name Paul Fisher and that the coach wanted to see him. When he went to the coach he said that he was not eligible for the program. Paul waked to the bus shelter and waited until 5 for his mom. when she got there he told her and then she told his dad and his dad talked to the coach and he said that Paul could manage the team. -
The Carnival
Paul's mom and dad were arguing about Erik going to practice his mom was saying that it was disrespectful and they should not go. Joey called Paul's house at 2:30 and his mom answered and offered to take them to the carnival so Joey showed up at there house. Paul had never been east towards the town. Joeys dad told him that it used to be all tangerine groves. Paul's mom dropped them of at the carnival and Joey and Paul agreed to being picked up at seven o clock. -
The Sinkhole
Paul looked at portable 19 and saw the entire thing being swallowed up by the sinkhole. Paul didn't think about it he left his umbrella and sloshed and fought his way to portable 19. Paul and Joey joined some kind of bucket brigade extending from the field to the sinkhole. Joey and Paul dug there heels into the mud halfway down the bottom of the sinkhole and they pulled at kids as they made their way up the slippery incline. -
The Newsletter
The newspaper ran a letter from Mrs. Gates to the parents of the seventh and eight graders. The letter said that they were supposed to attend a special disaster meeting on Friday night at 7:30. It also said that state and county officials are planning to attend and that they are working on a relocation plan. -
The New Job
Paul's dad is the new Director of Civil Engineering for Tangerine County. Channel 2 ran a Eyewitness news report about Old Charley Burns at 6 pm and then Paul's dad had Old Charley Burns old job by noon. In the ten year multi-million-dollar building boom on the west side of tangerine county Old Charley Burns department never denied one request or a permit. They never sent out one inspector either. -
The Relocation Meeting
Paul and his parents drove to the school for the meeting. Paul's mom was thinking of taking him to a catholic school. Paul's dad saw the county commissioner who backed him for Old Charley Burns job. All the 8th graders would have to squeeze into hi school and 7th into middle school. The 7th graders would begin at 1:30 PM and end at 7 PM. There was an other option and that was to go to Tangerine Middle School but they would not be provided with transportation. Paul's wanted to go without an IEP. -
The Backup
Paul's mom wanted to go in with him because she thought that there must be some forms for here to sign but then right away Paul said that there wasn't any forms to sign because he didn't want her to mess something up. When Paul mentioned soccer to his helper for the day she started to talk a lot more than before. Paul's helper knew everybody on the team. The coach of the soccer team said that Paul couldn't be a starting player but he could backup one of the starting players. -
The Jail Cell
when Paul was at lunch a bunch of guy that he recognized from the carnival came over. Paul asked where they were and Tino responded by saying that they were in jail. Paul asked about why they were in jail and they answered self defense from. -
The Unifroms
Joey an Paul went to the back and walked to a pick nick table and compared soccer uniforms. Paul's uniform was maroon with gold and a number five and Joeys was white with blue and a number 10 on it. Arthur and Erik were going inside when they saw Joey and started making fun of him and his brother Mike. Joey hoped over the wall because he didn't want to go through the house. -
The Away Game
Paul and the team got on the bus and the coach asked Victor to count the people on the bus and he said sixteen. When they got to the game the fans and the players were really nasty. One of the players pulled Paul's goggles of and rubbed mud in his eyes. When the game was over Paul looked out the window of the bus and saw that the acorn throwers put there attention on the referee who was trying to get in his car. -
the condemned bleachers
A group of Cypress bay fans walked under the yellow tape and other people started going over there. Then a fat guy who was Mr. Bridges and he was telling them to get out of there but they didn't listen and more went over there. He gave up trying and left red faced and then a squadron of police cruisers showed up. -
Against Kinnow Middle
It was Paul's second game and the opponents were Kinnow Middle School and they wore black uniforms with silver letters. Every one looked at victor who had a little blood on his forehead and he had to leave to the emergency room and the coach turned to Paul and said the he was in for victor. The coach started sending in other subs. -
The fumigation
Victor couldn't play because of the stitches he had and threatened to go and pull them out himself. Victor started making fun of Joey and was calling him charlie the tuna and Joey asked Paul if they did that to him. The houses on Joeys street were being fumigated and his would be fumigated in a week. -
Joey didn't show up for soccer practice but someone else did, A white van with TANGERINE TIMES on the side of it. They were there for the girls on the team and the coach called to Shandra and when she saw the van she ran off into the school. -
The Group
Science and language arts do cross circular projects together which means that they do a science project an then they write about it in language arts. Paul asked Tino if him and joey could be in his group and he said yes and then said that it was there group. Joey told Paul that he wasn't on the team anymore and that he turned in his uniform in the morning. -
The Class Fight
joey said something to Tino and he got mad and lunged at Joey and landed on the table of the other group. The teacher walked in and grabbed Tino by the arm and took him into the hallway. She walked in and took joey outside to he returned at the end of the period but Tino didnt return. -
Homeowners meeting
The homeowners association was going to meet and Paul's house and talk about stuff that was happening. They talked about how the koi were all gone from the pond and the mosquito problems. Paul fond a file on the computer that was called " Erik-Scholarship Offers. -
The Golden Dawn Trees
Joey didn't go to school and Paul knew exactly what he was doing he was re enrolling and Lake Windsor Middle School. Henry D had a brother name Wayne who was the volunteer fire fighter when they called about the fire. They arrived to a Quonset hut with a lot of citrus tree on it. Luis showed them around and told them that you could grow different kinds of fruits on the same tree and that it was called a scion -
Won Every Game
Paul used to be so aware of the hours but recently the time started to go by really fast and everyone was always busy and they never ate together anymore. Erick and his football team won all of there games with a 3 or 6 point difference. Paul also won all of the seven games that they had and Paul got to play in everyone of them and playe for the whole game once. -
The Hardwork
Paul wanted to go back to the citrus tree nursery so on Saturday morning his mom took him and she was rally worried that something was going to happen to him. He knocked on the door and there was a voice behind him that called out to him and asked what he was doing there. Tino Luis and Paul did work for a very long time and had some tangerines on there first break and then they had a second break and Paul was really red. Tino and Paul went inside and Tino sprayed white foam to help. -
Mr. Donnelly's house
mosquitoes attacked them and they ran to Mr. Donnelly's door and waited for him to answer. Erik and Arthur smelled like bug spray and Erick said that there was bug spray in the truck for the mud running. Mr. Donnelly told Paul that his coach was really good at track and that she did hundred meter dash and hurdles. -
The Storm
The War Eagles were playing against Manatee Middle and they were winning 8 to 0. Maya kicked the ball and it bounced of the post and was heading towards Paul so he hit it with his forehead and it rolled into the goal. A storm was above them and lightning struck and nearly at the same time the thunder came and they had to stop the game because the other team couldn't play in these conditions. -
The Newspaper
Paul's team was on the front page of the newspaper there was an article about soccer and about Betty Bright. The first article was about the top three scorers in the county Maya was number 1 with 22 goals and Victor and Gino were tied for second with 18 goals. There was also an article that talked about Betty Bright and it had a black and white picture of her getting punched in the face. -
The Final Game.
It was Tangerine Middles last game against Paul's old school. Victor was talking about the other team winning last year and was getting really mad. The other team was winning 2 to 1 and the ball landed in front of Cesar and he kicked it and now they were tied. The other team got a penalty kick and Paul knew where Gino was going to kick so he threw himself high and to the left but he was wrong. He heard cheering and then realized that it was Victor and saw the ball rolling into the sinkhole -
The Knockout
Erik and Arthur showed up in the truck and Paul remembered what happened when Joey came over. Erik said something to them and Tino got mad and walked up to Erik. Erik hit Tino and he fell to the ground and was almost knocked out. -
Another Fight
Paul's mom asked him why Joey didn't she asked if it was because of a girl. He said no and then thought about it and then said yes. They went to a meeting that his mom had about Erik and Paul his under the bleachers. Luis arrived and was looking for Erik and to fight him. Arthur did something to Luis and he fell then they left . -
Fighting The Freeze
Paul called his mom but she did not answer so he left a message and told her not to pick him up and that he was going to study. When Paul got to the tangerine groves he called him mom again and she said that he would have to be home by 9 AM. Luis told every one to go inside but him and his dad and uncle kept working. They came back to get them but Paul had to stay because he was in bad condition. They finished and Paul went to go talk to Luis and he said that something was going to happen a 3. -
Paul slept for eighteen hours and they didn't wake him up for the game or thanksgiving dinner. Paul went outside and saw all the mailboxes destroyed and on the wall someone wrote that seagulls suck. Paul's dad found him unconsciousness and they took him inside and his mom was asking him if he was ok. -
The phone call
Paul's mom gave him the phone. It was Kerri and she asked him if he was going to the planting of Mike Costello. Then she told him that there was an after party at joeys house and if he would be her date. -
Luis is dead
Henry D walked up to Paul and told him that Luis was dead> He said that he never went to pick up Tino and Theresa. His dad went to go look for him and found him in the grove dead. -
The Bad Talk
Paul's mom gave him he phone. It was Theresa Cruz and she told Paul not to go to Luis funeral. She said that Tino and Victor were saying some bad stuff and that he should not go. Paul went all the way to the pond and sat on the bank. Paul heard a noise and -
The suit
Paul put on the suit that he wore to Mike Costello's funeral. He put in on and went outside with just that. Paul pushed everything back into place and went inside. When he went inside he threw away his suit and he felt as if Luis was apart of him -
Beat Up
Paul took another sick day but his mom didn't care because she had problems of her own. The seniors had to be at the gym at 6 so they could learn were to stand. Tino and Victor beat up Erik and some of the football players got the but Victor escaped. Paul helped Tino escape by jumping on the coach's back. -
The Yellow Mustang
Joey called Paul and told him that Betty Bright was outside of Mr. Donnelly's house. Paul got there and saw Shandra sitting on the passenger side. Mr. Donnelly asked him if she told him why they were there and he said no. Paul managed to avoid his mom and dad all day. -
Paul was on the sidewalk waiting for the newspaper. A white van with squeaky breaks pulled up and threw a paper out. Paul was reading the newspaper and it was saying that all the wins Antoine Thomas was involved in did not count because he lived in tangerine. They were 0-30 0 wins 30 loses. -
Paul had to go to Tangerine really early. When they arrived there was nobody there. There was no karate kids or ganstas. When they got to the office they told paul to go outside. Theresa walked up to Paul and he gave her the report. She looked at the report and tgen started crying. Paul got expled because he jumped on the teacher. -
The Report
Paul's dad asked him to make a report with 1 or 2 paragraphs of what really happened. Tino called Paul and asked him what he was doing with himself. He told Tino that he was supposed to go to St. Anthony's on wensday. He told Tino that the teachers were nuns. -
New School
They were talking about paul and decided to take him. When they were in the car theh passes by the tree thag was for Mike Costello. The tree was beimg held up by wires and stakes. His dad said that they were going to remove them when the tree is stroneg enough