Tangerine - Aaliyah S.

  • Move From Texas To Florida

    Move From Texas To Florida
    Paul was on his way to Florida and Texas. Before he left, his imagination of a zombie following him representing that he was part of the family and that problems follow you no matter where you go.
  • Mr.Costello Son

    Mr.Costello Son
    Paul's mother met a man who's name is Mr.Costello. Paul describes Mr.Costello the heaviest man and when he shook his hand , his hand was outstretched. Mr.Costello has a son named Mike who play the quarterback for football at Lake Windsor High School. Mike got accepted to FSU for engineering , but his dad believes that he isn't worried about his football career in the future. Later....
  • Paul's Eye Vision

    Paul's Eye Vision
    Paul's mother told Mrs.Gates which is Paul's new principal at Lake Windsor Middle School of how Paul's eye vision is impaired but Paul believes that his eye vision is fine. He gets mad at his mom for drawing attention to his eyesight. Paul asks Mrs.Gates about the soccer team but she says that his eyes can't be possible for that but she will keep in touch with him just in case.
  • Paul Plays Soccer

    Paul Plays Soccer
    Paul's dad wasn't really into sports until Erik started playing place kicking. Since then he has been obsessed with football and Erik as well. Paul had seen a group of kids playing soccer, Paul recognized one of the kids his name was Joey Costello who was Mike's younger brother. The kids weren't very good at soccer but he still played.
  • His First Day Of School

    His First Day Of School
    Paul had woken up at seven for his first day of kindergarten. As he was waiting for the bus ,Erik and his friends called to him saying Eclipse Boy.The reason they said that is because of his thick big glasses. As the day continued Paul was greeted by Joey Costello who knew his family and he was his new friend. Paul was sent to Mr.Murrow office with a fellow classmate Kerri Gardner as they got there Mr.Murrow told him the Kerri is going to be his set of eyes,but he told him he can see just fine.
  • Erik's Strange Friend

    Erik's Strange Friend
    Erik has met a new friend Arthur Bauer. Paul was listening to their conversation in the backyard while they were practicing place kicking.Paul seems like Author is trying to flunk his way into Mike Costello job of being a holder for place kicking as Paul suspects base on their placekicking.
  • Lightning

    Joey shows Paul a house that was stroked by lighting three times , they figure it's the safest house in the neighborhood. Paul has a theory that he believes that the lightning struck them so often because before construction happened it started to develop the highest ground area but that is what he thinks but the lightning remember but not the people.Joey thinks it funny because lighting cant remember as he walks off.
  • Soccer Tryouts

    Soccer Tryouts
    Joey and Paul head out to the soccer field for soccer tryouts, they see Gino Deluca and Tommy Acoso already practicing . Their Coach Walski explains that they will all get their uniforms and coming to practices and only fifteen people are going to away games. Paul gets to try to be goalie and when he does he blocks all of the goals and everyone was impressed besides the coach who didn't see but Paul was confident that he was going onto the away team.
  • Mike Costello Died

    Mike Costello Died
    During Mikes practice he had died. They way he died was by leaning one hand on the goal post and soon as he did it lightning stuck him which flew his whole body in air, the coaches tried to give him CPR but as the ambulance and cops came it was too late.Mike had died that day.
  • Not Mentioned

    Not Mentioned
    They day after Mike Costello's death the school didn't make a announcement about him, beside the carnival of the Tangerine. Paul wasn't pleased with that. Paul thought about what if his brother Erik died it will be a relief but also sorry and he wanted to find out what about the eclipses story as well.
  • Parents Upset

    Parents Upset
    When Mr.Bridges and Coach Warner arrived they said that there are going to plant a tree for Mike's memory. Paul's mother started up a crowd and demanding of not having practices during a storm, but Coach Warner explains that it will destroy the team if they didn't have practices.Coach Warner and Paul's mother argued back and forth until Warner said that he will remove Erik for his safety reasons and Erik will understand.
  • Mike's Furneral

    Mike's Furneral
    Later.. Paul and his parents went to Mike's funereal Paul copied what his parents did they kneel down and said a prayer after talk with Mike's parents. Joey has asked Paul if he would go to the carnival tomorrow to take his mind off the tragedy, Kerri told Paul of how such a good soccer player he is and he couldn't say a single thing.
  • Paul Kicked Off The Soccer Team

    Paul Kicked Off The Soccer Team
    Gino who is Paul's teammate had said coach wants to see him. Paul thought that coach was going to mention how amazing he is doing in soccer but he was wrong coach said that he had to kick him off the team for safety reasons because of his eye sight because of his IEP form. After practice Paul was mad at his mother for signing the IEP form even though in Houston he played soccer even with his "bad eyesight".
  • The Carnival

    The Carnival
    Paul has notice some kids playing soccer, Joey quickly took him away because those kids are Tangerine Middle School "Real gangsters".They met up with their friends to go through the freak exhibit show and the Tangerine kids where lined up also. Paul wanted to leave as soon as possible . Paul's mother picked them up and notice that their were kids riding in the back of the truck and she notice how unsafe that was , Paul thought that he should be in the freak show as the Eclipse Boy.
  • CNN

    Later... Paul's grandparents called and told Paul's mother that Paul's school is on CNN news. They change the channel and the saw the sinkhole that took down Room 19 Paul's math class and also announcement for 7th and 8th graders to work on a relocation plan . Paul laughed at half of the bleachers were gone on the field and Erik only has half of his fans watching him plan football.
  • The Sinkhole

    The Sinkhole
    Paul and his friends were called to Mr.Murrow's office because the exhibit has been vandalized and Paul told them that Tangerine Middle School soccer players were there also. As they were walking out of the office there was a loud whooshing sound and the wooden fields started to cracking. The teacher began evacuating the students some were calm and other frighten. Paul's math classes was begin to sink in the sinkhole and he went over to help save the kids .Paul doesn't consider himself a hero.
  • The News

    The News
    The local newspaper told the story of the sinkhole and announcement that the 7th and 8th graders will work on a relocation plan. Old Charley came back and said that the 6th graders will go to the main building because it's still safe and will be returning to school on Thursday.
  • Mr.Fisher

    Paul's dad is the new Director of Civil Engineering for Tangerine County. The local news did a investigated on Old Charley and found that he was corrupt, the builders would pay him a lot even if he didn't approve and how unsafe it was .Now Mr.Fisher is pleading to turn it around.
  • The School Plans

    The School Plans
    Lake Windsor Middle School had a meeting with the parents and kids that the 8th graders are going to squeezes in the high school, and 7th graders will squeezes in with middle. There school times would be different 6th graders - 7:30 am to 1 am and 7th graders would do -1:30 am to 7 pm. The 7th graders would be transferring to Tangerine Middle School and Paul wasn't happy because the boys from the carnival go there a he thinks there going to bully him he snitched on them.
  • Back To School Again

    Back To School Again
    Since Paul is transferring they assigned him a guide named Theresa Cruz not because of his vision but just to be nice. Paul describes Theresa as kind of weird and doesn't really talk in the morning, during lunch Theresa opens up to Paul about the soccer team.Her brother Tino is the star player out of the team, Tino got suspended along with other kids Paul knew why.
  • Victor

    Paul and Theresa were sitting together at lunch during that the soccer boys came up and Victor the head captain started razzing Paul about soccer. After school they had soccer practice, Paul got to play goalie he would of had make the amazing block but Victor kicked it out of his hands and Tino and Victor argue back and further and coach breaks it up. Maya tell Paul it would been amazing block only if Victor didn't mess him up.
  • The Reminder

    The Reminder
    As Paul and Joey were comparing there uniforms in the backyard , a group of high school kids came and made fun of Joey for his dead brother. Once they left Joey felt like a coward for not standing up to them and he started to cry ,Paul tries to cheer him up. It explains why he has been trying to take off Mike's shoes off when he was struck by lightning because his shoe made him feel better.
  • Joey Transferred

    Joey Transferred
    Later... Paul found out that Joey had transferred schools, but Mrs.gates is scared because his lawyer might sue over Mike's death .Paul had recommend that Theresa should show him around instead of Paul on Monday.
  • The Away Game

    The Away Game
    It was Paul's first away game of playing soccer. There were going to play against the Palmetto Middle School who's team and fans play really nasty and there violent , cheaters and fans throw stuff at the other opponent. Tino got knocked down and he started to punch the kid who did it. The Coach switched Tino in for Paul but Tino wasn't goalie he was center forward. When Paul misses and Victor screamed at him and when the game was over Victor apologized for yelling.
  • Football Home Game

    Football Home Game
    It was the first game of the football season and it was a home game,half of the bleachers were destroyed by the sinkhole. Before the game had started Mr.Bridge ran out and told them if the don't get off the cops are going to be called .They played against Lake Windsor Seagulls , Seagulls made the touchdown but Erik came in for the extra point. The seagulls had won the game and Paul was laughing so hard.The news had show Erik falling repeatedly Paul's mother told him he should just laugh it off.
  • Soccer Home Game

    Soccer Home Game
    Paul was playing his first home game but his parents weren't even there to support him neither is Joey's. There team and the other team were playing amazing , Paul was refiled that they had rules. Maya scored a goal and Paul kicks one in too GOAL Paul scored for the first time !!
  • Confusing Love

    Confusing Love
    Later... Cara from Lake Windsor Middle School called and asked if he still likes Kerri Gardner, Paul was speech less so she just said bye. Paul calls Joey and Joey says there were spamming him and Kerri was listening on the other line. Paul still wonders if Kerri is still dating that guy at the carnival , Joey thinks that Kerri likes him.
  • After Practice

    After Practice
    When practices are over Paul and Joey start to walk away and Victor comes and picks on Paul not Joey and so does his other friends. Afterwards when their done Joey gets upset so Paul has to calm him down. As Paul's mother comes to pick them up she wants to say a encouraging statement to the girls on the team and Paul thinks they might make it to All- Country Team.
  • Popular ?

    Popular ?
    As there were having soccer practice a van rolled up with a man with long hair with a camera hanging from his neck. Paul thought that Mr.Donnelly and Betty Bright had already knew each other because of the way the shook hand and smiled at each other .The man came to get the last names of the girls on the team, Betty gave him the names of the girls and left , but the next morning the photo was of Nita Shiral which says ¨ Maya Pandhi Leads All Scores In Tangerine County.¨
  • The Science Project and The Wrong Way

    The Science Project and The Wrong Way
    There science project would had been written in the language arts class ,there project was Florida agriculture the group had to be four to six people. Paul and Joey got into a argument about how the people Paul wanted to choose Joey didn't and then it escalated to of how Joey took it the wrong way of when Paul said that it wasn't soccer practice and Joey took offensive to it.
  • Rude

    As class started Joey came in without Theresa Paul was confused. He had asked Joey were Theresa was and he said at the office. Paul had thought Theresa was going to show him around the school but Joey said harsh words like calling Theresa a guide dog and that he wouldn't need her because he isn't blind and Paul stood up for Theresa and himself. The only thing Paul had said when he left was ¨Don't do this. Don't come here with that attitude.¨
  • The Meeting

    The Meeting
    They were talking about Mr.Donelly house the house that got hit with lightning three times he had place several lighting rods on his roof. The koi fish are gone at the pond , Mr. Costello believes somebody had stolen them but Paul knows that the osprey had been eating them. There are some much complains about the mucks fires but after that there is a swamp for mosquitoes now . The last thing the discuss was the home robberies they discuss options about it and after the meeting was over.
  • Paul Realized He Needs Glasses

    Paul Realized He Needs Glasses
    Paul's whole family back in Huntsville ,Paul was still in kindergarten .His parent's would stand in front of him and Erik in the back of him going clock wise to test his vision but Erik couldn't see him no matter where he moved. Paul's mom and dad were arguing about his eyes until Erik came up behind him and breathed on his neck and Paul freaked out and cried , his mom instated to take him to the eye doctor and that is when he had gotten his big thick glasses .
  • Reflect

    Paul took a moment to reflect on how his family settled into the new community. His dad is a Country Civil - Engineering and Old Charley had a heart attack from his stress and pressure so his dad took over for him. His mom is in charge of the HOA for several community , Erik has made himself a name on for football . Paul played in every soccer game and the War Eagles had won every game.
  • Luis

    Luis told Paul about his knee injuring when he was twelve , Luis didn't even cry or make a fuss about it because he had thought his mom would't help him no more. Eventually it had gotten worse for him he couldn't even walk for a while , he didn't work again until his mom died he used to play goalie for the Tangerine Middle School Soccer Team .
  • Betty Bright

    Betty Bright
    Betty was a champion for hurdler back when she was in high school , she made it to the Olympic team in 1978. On her race to Pan American she as hit in the eye by a competitor over her first hurdle she got in fourth place but she didn't get moved onto the finals. Two years after the Olympics rolled back again into Moscow but she lost her chance because the US boycotted her .
  • War Eagles

    War Eagles
    The War Eagles had there last home game , Paul had score a awesome goal they were on their way to victor until it stared to ran .The other team runs off the get in line for the bus but they just all ended up leaving which meant that Paul's goal didn't count but they were still undefeated .
  • Mystery ?

    Mystery ?
    Mr. Donlley had printed out the huge soccer feature on the front of the newspaper and describing the success of the Tangerine and Lake Windsor teams. It also mentions Paul's coach of how her career hurdle, Paul wonder if she would been happy if that was publicly, like Sandra .
  • Final Match

    Final Match
    When two of the players go after the same ball Victors yells at them and someone from Lake Windsor would go up to him a punch him. Shandra started to vomit and the coach had to put Paul in but as was goalie so Paul was freaking out . He was ready now he blocked every single shot ! , but Betty Bright told him that he wasn't capable of playing for Lake Windsor or Tangerine .Lake Windsor had a free kick and Gino kicked it to the left not the right , but Gino had missed The War Eagles Won!
  • A Gray Wall

    A Gray Wall
    Paul invited Henry D., Wayne, Theresa and Tino to his house for the science project ,Paul had decided for everybody to take a break and kicked the soccer ball in circle outside. They hear Erik and Author driving up , Tino was furious but Paul tries to clam him down, Author grabs a blackjack out of his backpack but he put's it away. Tino had brought up Erik's famous television flop and Erik hit him so hard Paul had thought he was dead. He was bleeding from his ring that Erik had cut him before.
  • The Fight

    The Fight
    Paul's mother had meeting about Erik and Paul had to go , as they arrived Paul ran under the bleachers were they just got done having football practice. Luis's pick up truck drives up and Luis confronts Erik about hurting Tino. Erik doesn't say a word but then Author grabs his blackjack and hit's him in the head with it. Erik and Author walk away laughing , Antoine and Brian his friends help him up and walk back to the truck.
  • Helping

    As Paul went to school there was a lot of kids missing and Henry says there fighting the cold which means creating bonfires. They decided that there going to help Luis and Tino save there tangerines, Wayne explains that when the spray the tree's it keeps them at 32 degrees but if they get to 31 it will kill them. Paul was freezing he could barley move and Thresea grab him some coffe and warm blankets he slept until them morning when his mom picked him up.
  • Luis Gets Revenge

    Luis Gets Revenge
    The phone had rang and it was the neighbor and they sounded worried and they told Paul's mother that check out side and behind your house because people were smashing mail boxes and spray painting the houses , Paul went to check and the air bothered him from the smoke blowing east to west. There mail box was destroyed and he check at the back and it says Seagulls Suck Paul thought that Luis did it to get revenge .
  • Paul Helps

    Paul Helps
    As Paul was checking Erik's Scholarship Offer , he overheard his mom and HOA meeting talking about the koi fish Paul had knew of what had happened. Paul explains that the osprey are responsible for taking them Paul had seen the birds taking a orange and yellow fish in the mouth , they didn't' believe him until he told the information. His mom writes down what he says for information.
  • Luis Cruz

    Luis Cruz
    Luis had died , Henry told Paul that Theresa had called their father because she was waiting for him outside yesterday but he never came .Their father went to the grove and found that Luis was dead before he had arrived , Paul wasn't feeling well so he called his mom to pick him up he told his mom everything that Henry had told him . Paul had went on a website called ask a nurse and he ask questions about aneurysm but he believes Author or Erik killed him will the blackjack.
  • Lies

    Paul was sitting next to the pond and a little boy came up to him on his bicycle and said that there are gators in the pond because that s what is parents said. Paul had told the little boy that his parents were lying to him and Paul told the little boy of the lies his parents told him and every lie that he told his voice gotten angry , The boy

    pedal away as quickly as he could to get away from Paul.
  • Dirt

    Paul had changed into a suit and went to his backyard and began to dig until he founded dirt and when he did he cried because he thought about Luis and letting his tries go into the dirt. He puts back the dirt and he throws away his suit , he felt better after of what he did.
  • Senior Awards Night

    Senior Awards Night
    Tino walked up to Erik and kicked him in the gut and in the face also Victor tackled Author and starts to beat him up and the said that it was for Luis. Paul helped Tino by leaping on the coach and Paul ran for it after Tino was free. Paul had seen Author and Erik coming but he wasn't scared and he confronts Author and said that he killed Luis and Author was trying to leave so they left.
  • The Truth

    The Truth
    Betty Brights car was parked outside Mr. Donnelly's house so Paul went over to check it out. Sandra was in the coach's car and saying that Antonio is sick of lying about where he lives and also because Sandra cant play soccer on the team but they wouldn't want to draw attention to both of them live in a different area but go to a different school.
  • Exposed

    Antoine was exposed the whole Lake Windsor team were shook , but Mr. Donnelly wrote an article to defend Antoine it doesn't seem to work though . Paul's father was shook so they gathered up the coaches and parents because they thought Antoine is the one to blame for Paul also agrees with his dad since he assent from there neighborhood.
  • Caught

    Later..As they were having a meeting about the stolen items that were stolen from other peoples houses Erik and Author come in with there faces brushed and swollen . Paul's mother confused them from stealing all the missing item and giving them to other people , Erik was on the look out outside and Author was the one taking the stolen items . As they were leaving Joey comes with the police officer to arrest Author for his murder but Erik had to stay under house arrest.
  • Expelled

    Paul and his mother had a meeting at his school , as they arrived Paul had to wait in the hallway were he ran into Theresa was upset that Paul had attacked a teacher but during that they call Paul into the office to the nurses room to wait his turn. In the nurses office he saw Victor and Tino in there for fighting which got them a suspension ,Tino told Paul what to say when he goes in and when it was Paul's turn they told him that he was expelled from all the school in the county.
  • Police Report

    Police Report
    Later .. Paul had to write a police report he only meant to write a paragraph abut it but he wrote alot about Erik and Author after he was done Paul's mom and dad decide to read it all together about the statement that Paul had done.
  • After

    Their dad comes back from the police station with Erik after he was done with questioning and Erik doesn't want to be dealing with any of it no more .Tino called Paul and told him that he was going to St. Anthony's for school but Paul still on planing for play for the War Eagles Paul gets to help out Tino in the Golden Dawns whenever he would like to.
  • Tree

    As Paul was driving off to his third school with his dad he points out Mike's tree and Luis tree Paul thinks it's a good idea to for them to have a tree. The route takes hem to grove after grove and Paul can already smell the beautiful Golden Dawns .