Sudan timeline

  • Sudan

    Sudan was a collection of small, independent kingdoms and principalities from the beginning of the Christian era until 1820-21,
  • 19th century

    in the early 19th century the "jallaba" a group of nothern muslim traders mostly from the ja'aliyyin and danaga tribes of the nile valley came in incrasing numbers to southern sudan especially nothren bagr alghzal which became an important source of slaves
  • breaking the treaty

    This was effectively a unilateral abrogation of the 1972 peace treaty.
  • addis ababe in 1972

    Nimeiri then initiated negotiations with the southern rebels and signed an agreement in Addis Ababa in 1972 that granted a measure of autonomy to the south.
  • parties in 1979

    These parties did not feel bound to observe an agreement they perceived as an obstacle to furthering an Islamist state. The scales against the peace agreement were tipped in 1979 when Chevron discovered oil in the south.
  • nothern pressure

    Northern pressure built to abrogate those provisions of the peace treaty granting financial autonomy to the south. Ultimately in 1983
  • act suspened

    One of its first acts was to suspend the 1983 constitution and disband Nimeiri’s Sudan Socialist Union
  • september

    In September 1983, as part of an Islamicization campaign, President Nimeiri announced that traditional Islamic punishments drawn from Shari’a (Islamic Law) would be incorporated into the penal code. This was controversial even among Muslim groups.
  • second civil war starts

    The second Sudan civil war effectively began in January 1983 when southern soldiers mutinied rather than follow orders transferring them to the north
  • apirl 1985

    In April 1985, while out of the country, Nimeiri was overthrown by a popular uprising in Khartoum
  • April 1985

    nimeiri got overthrown becuase the collapsing ecnomy in April 1985
  • Declartion of principles

    The 1994 Declaration of Principles aimed to identify the essential elements necessary
  • IGAD

    the IGAD initiative promulgated the 1994 Declaration of Principles (DOP)
  • Bush administration

    Bush administration
    In mid-2001, with prospects for peace in Sudan appearing fairly remote, the Bush Administration named former Senator John Danforth as its Presidential
  • civil war ends

    civil war ends
    In July 2002, the Government of Sudan and the SPLM/A reached a historic agreement on the role of state and religion and the right of southern Sudan to self-determination