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Stephen Hawking's Life

  • Stephen Hawking's birth

    Stephen Hawking's birth
    Stephen Hawking was born on January 8th, 1942 in Oxford, England, the child of Isobel and Frank Hawking. The couple lived in Highgate, but went to Oxford for the birth of Stephen due to World War II.
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    Stephen Hawking's Life

  • Stephen begins at Oxford

    Stephen begins at Oxford
    Stephen Hawking began his time at Oxford in October of 1959, at the age of 17. He was bored and lonely for the first 18 months because he had trouble making friends, and his studies were easy. During his 2nd and 3rd year at Oxford, he decided to make an effort towards making friends by joining the boat club, where he coxed a rowing team.
  • Stephen finishes at Oxford

    Stephen finishes at Oxford
    After nearly failing his final exams, he declared that if he got a first-class honorary degree, that he would go to Cambridge, and if he got a second-class honorary degree, he would stay at Oxford. He earned his first-class honorary degree, and enrolled himself in Cambridge.
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  • Stephen begins at Cambridge

    Stephen begins at Cambridge
    When Stephen began his doctoral at Cambridge, he was initially disappointed with his supervisor, Dennis William Sciama, one of the founders of modern Cosmology. He began to feel as though he didn't have the proper education to complete his doctoral. After a small break from his studies, he returned to Cambridge, and became known for his brilliance. He also surprised many people by publicly challenging others work.
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  • Stephen is diagnosed with ASL

    Stephen is diagnosed with ASL
    Stephen became increasingly clumsy throughout his time at Oxford, and after some falls, his family decided that he needed to go to the doctor. When he was 21, it was discovered that he has motor neuron disease (also know as: ASL, Lou Gehrig's disease). He was not expected to live past his 25th birthday.
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  • Stephen Marries Jane Wilde

    Stephen Marries Jane Wilde
    Stephen married Jane Wilde, a friend of his sister, in 1965. They met shortly before his diagnosis of ALS. They had three children, Robert, Lucy, and Timothy. They divorced in 1995 after they had both developed romantic feelings for other people.
  • Stephen earns his PhD

    Stephen earns his PhD
    In 1965, Stephen wrote his thesis when inspired by Roger Penrose's theorem on a space-time singularity found in all black holes. In 1966, Stephen earned his PhD in applied mathematics and theoretical physics, specializing in general relativity and cosmology from Cambridge University.
  • Stephen wrote "A Brief History of Time"

    Stephen wrote "A Brief History of Time"
    In (specific date not known) 1988, Stephen released his first book, called "A Brief History of Time". "A Brief History of Time" is directed to the nospecialist reader, explaining a wide range of cosmology, including The Big Bang, blackholes, and light cones.
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  • Stephen Marries Elaine Mason

    Stephen Marries Elaine Mason
    Stephen married his nurse, Elaine Mason after his divorce with Jane Wilde. He had developed romantic feelings for Elaine, and Jane had developed romantic feelings for her friend Jonathan Hellyer Jones. They divorced in 2006 after many claims of abuse, which lead to multiple police investigations, to which Stephen refused to cooperate in.
  • The release of "The Theory of Everything"

    The release of "The Theory of Everything"
    After Stephen's split with Elaine, Jane revised her book about her life with Stephen, calling it "Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen". This book was made into a movie called "The Theory of Everything" staring Eddie Redmayne.
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