spread of Islam

  • 632

    Muhammad's death

    Muhammad's death
    Muhammad dies and Abu Bakhr is chosen as caliph. Wars of ridda restore allegiance to Islam.
  • 661

    Death of Ali.

    Ali is murdured and Mu'awyia become caliph. It is the beginning of Umayyad Caliphate.
  • 711


    Arab armies enter spain from north africa.
  • 732

    Spread of Muslim empire

    Spread of Muslim empire reaches a further extent, but battles prevent them from moving north.
  • 750


    Muslims have spread about to most of Middle east and Abu l'abbas is the caliph of Iraq.
  • 850

    Furthest spread

    Furthest spread
    Muslim had spread along the coast of North Africa and into Spain. It conquered the visigoths and reached its greatest extent.
  • 900

    Technology/Golden Age

    There were hundreds of scribes and books in Baghdad and libraries began to be established. Paper making started to spread to other countries.
  • 1055

    Taken over

    The islamic empire was fragmented and there weren't enough loyalties to defend the frontlines so the Seljuk turks took over Baghdad.
  • 1095

    A mess

    A mess
    A prince rebelled because was not chosen to be a caliph and there are many difficulties emerging within the Islamic empire. The Fatimids failed to defeat the crusaders.
  • 1099

    Siege of Jerusalem

    Christian Crusaders take over Jerusalem and laid the foundations for the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
  • 1187

    fall of the kingdom of Jerusalem

    fall of the kingdom of Jerusalem
    Balian of Ibelin surrendered to the city of Saladin. This was the end of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
  • 1216


    Assassins are wiped out by the Mongols and Indian rulers in Delhi take title of Sultan.
  • 1258

    Spread of Mongols

    Spread of Mongols
    Mongols start to take over countries and capture Baghdad, the caliph is killed and that is the end of the Abbasid caliphate.
  • 1300

    Ottoman empire

    Ottoman empire
    Ottoman empire is founded and muslim merchants and missionary sufis settle in South East Asia. Ottomans capture countries and move to Europe.
  • 1492


    Aragon and Castile capture Granada and all muslims and jews are kicked out of Spain.
  • 1520


    Ottoman empire is at its peak of success and rules Hungary, coastlands of Algeria, and Tunisia.