
The Abbasid Caliphates

  • 750

    Abbasid Revolution

    Abbasid Revolution
    Leaders of the Abbasid Caliphate believed they had power over the Caliphates before them, the Umayyads. The claimed the were closer in blood line to the prophet, Muhammad. Their claim was based off of their belief that they were descended from Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttabib who was an uncle to Muhammad.
  • Period: 750 to 1517

    The Abbasid Caliphates

  • 756

    Conceded authority of al-Andalus to Umayyads

    Conceded authority of al-Andalus to Umayyads
  • 762

    Caliph al-Mansur founded the City of Baghdad

    Caliph al-Mansur founded the City of Baghdad
    This was the first centralized government and quickly became the largest city in the world at its time
  • 786

    Baghdad became the most important center

    Baghdad became the most important center
    Embracing their allies cultures and techniques, Baghdad became the center for sciences, arts, education and medicine.
  • 788

    Conceded Morocco to Idrisid

    Conceded Morocco to Idrisid
    The Idrisid dynasty is considered to be the founders of the first Moroccan state
  • 800

    Conceded Ifriqiya to Aghlabids

    Conceded Ifriqiya to Aghlabids
    Aghlabids were not separate rules, or opponents of Abbasid control. They ruled under the control of the Abbasid rulers until they overthrow of power.
  • 861

    Conceded Iran to Saffarid

    Conceded Iran to Saffarid
    Saffarid was considered to be one of the first Persian dynasties after the Islamic conquest
  • 969

    Conceded Egypt to Fatimids

    Conceded Egypt to Fatimids
    The Fatimids claimed to be descendants of Fatimah, daughter of Muhammad.
  • 1258

    Removed from power in Baghdad

    Removed from power in Baghdad
    Although Abbasid rule was removed from Baghdad, a city they built the foundation for, they still had some power in other areas.
  • 1261

    Recentered in Mamluk

    Recentered in Mamluk
    After the over throw in Baghdad the Abbasid Caliphates re-centered in Mamluk, the capital of Cairo.
  • 1517

    End of the dynasty

    End of the dynasty
    The Abbasid Caliphates held onto their power in Mamluk, despite the long decline in power, until the Ottoman conquest, when their power ended.