Health Triangle
Spongebob stoped eating because he was bored. -
Health Goal
Spongebob made a goal to run every day. He plans on acheiving it by having a friend to help. -
Stressful Event
Mr. Krabbs is sick and spongebob isnt keeping up on his running. Sponegebob had a great friend to talk to. -
Friend Starts Drinking
Patrick start drinking. Spongebob is worried that drinking will damage his liver. He also worries he will make un healthy decisions. He also worries he will be driving. Another worry is Patrick can get adicted. -
Significant Loss
Gary spongebob pet died and spongebob is trying to get closure. A month after Gary dien Spongebob started coping. -
Family health
Spongebob finds out high blood preasure runs in his family. If spongebob dosent eat a lot of salty foods he will have a lower risk of having high blood preasure. -
Family smoking
Long term efffects of smoking.
Chronic Bronchitis
Lung Cancer
Weakend Immune System -
Taking keys away from ms.Puff
You could kill yourself or someone else. Its dangerous and you can go to jail. -
Home sick
How to get reid of the flu. Proper Nutrition,Rest, Lots fluid. How to prevent it Flu vaccination, wash hands more often. -
Sponebob is dealing with mood swings and irritability because of puberty -
Pledge to be abtinence
he doesn't want to get an STD. Doesn't want to have sex so he don't drink. He doesn't want to have kids yet.