Aug 3, 1492
Colombus's First Voyage
Columbu swas trying to find a ne route to India, but he landed on the New World or whats now known as the Bahamas. There he enountered Native Americans and near by he found gold and oter precious objects. Without Columbus Europeans would not have been aware of the New World and would not have encouraged exploration there. -
Feb 10, 1519
Cortes' Voyage
Herman Cortes led the expedition that was the cause of the Aztec Empire to end and the expidition happened in Mexico. Cortes helped start coloniaztion of Spanish in the Americas. -
Jun 2, 1519
Pineda's Voyage
Pineda explored the Gulf of Mexico ,but he was the fist to map it. Pineda helped build understandings of European's knowlege of the New Worlds Coastal area. -
Jan 1, 1527
De Vaca's Voyage
De Vaca was part of the Narváez expedition which was a Spanish attempt to colonize Florida -
Jan 1, 1528
De Vaca Discovers Texas
De Vaca landed on Texas during a storm. He was walking through out Texas for 8 years. -
Jan 1, 1539
Fray Marcos and Esteban
Estaban, a slave, and Fray Marcos went to Amercia to study the north and to look and verify the cities of gold. They explored Texas and New Mexico. No one knows why they reported this but he recalled seeing a city filled wioth gold larger than Mexico called Quivera. -
Jan 1, 1539
Moscoso's Expedition
Moscoso and his leader Desoto who later died went to basically search for gold from Flordia to Texas. He dicovered the Mississippi river, or at least reported finding it. He did not like Texas and also said basically the same thing Coronado did. This made Spain not like Texas and did not return for 150 years. -
Jan 1, 1540
Coronado's Expedition
Coronado went to look for the 7 cities of gold in 1540-1542. Him, being a true Conquistador, went to look for the cities for Spain. He searched in the Panhandle of Texas and in Arizona, New Mexico, Kansas, and Oklahoma. On his 2nd part of the trip he looked for Quivera. He later reported not to go to Texas because they have no gold, harsh land, and mean Indians.