
Spanish Exploration

  • 1527 BCE

    DeVaca's voyage pt.1

    DeVaca's voyage pt.1
    DeVaca was commanded by Panfilo Naraveaz.he was wanted to clam land from Mexico to Florida. He explored Florida in 1527.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    columbus' first voyage

    columbus' first voyage
    Columbus sailed three ships,(Santa Maria, Pinta and Nina) his goal was to find a new route to Asia and find riches. it was important because it encouraged new exploration.
  • Feb 18, 1519

    Cortes's voyage

    Cortes's voyage
    Cortes sailed for spin.(where he was born) he conquered the Aztec Empire and claiming mexico as his. He was important because he had conquered the Aztec Empire.
  • Jun 2, 1519

    Pineda's voyage

    Pineda's voyage
    Pineda had mapped his exploration and left it for the next explorer. this was important because it was the first map of Texas.
  • Sep 22, 1528

    Fray Marcos & Esteban journey

    Fray Marcos & Esteban journey
    The purpose of the voyage was for them to look at and study the land. Esteban ended up dying. Fray Marcos had reported that the land had lots of gold and that the seven cities of gold was real but it was false.
  • Nov 6, 1528

    DeVaca discovers Texas

    DeVaca discovers Texas
    DeVaca was important because he was the first one to map
  • May 21, 1542

    Moscoso' Expedition

    Moscoso' Expedition
    the leader was Hernando De Soto. he traveled across southern united states and then died from a fever from the Mississippi river. On his journey he had to fight Indians and travel a lot.
  • Sep 22, 1554

    Coranado's expedition

    Coranado's expedition
    Coranado was searching for the seven cities of gold and Quivera. the guide of the second part was Fray Marcos. they did not discover what they wantedbt an old tiny Indian village.the importance of this journey is that the false information led others to want to find the seven cities of gold, so it encouraged more exploration.