Jan 1, 1492
Columbus' first voyage
he was trying to find a water route to Asia/ India, but sadly he ended up in the Bahamas. He brought gback gold and ended up discovering a new world which was North and South America. This was important, because this got people wanting to go and check it out. The spanish started exploring North America, because of its riches. -
Jan 1, 1519
Cortes voyage
Cortes conquered the Aztecs and the leader of Montezuma. he brought back tons of gold worth about 6million dollars. this is important because it gained the interes of many people to go explore north and south america to go find gold bacause cortes found so much of it -
Jan 1, 1519
Pinedas voyage
he was the first one to make a map of the gulf coast from florida to texas. he made a report of the region. this led for other people to others exploring the land on the gulf coast. -
Jan 1, 1528
De Vaca voyage start day
their leader is Narvez and they started the expedition to look for gold. -
Jan 1, 1528
De Vaca discovers Texas
they started the ezpedition in florida Narvez De Vaca and 300 other men. they got left so they built 5 boats. they got shipwreched on Galveston with only 80 survivors. he lived with the karankawas for 4 years. Narvez died and some of the others died by winter cold.when there was only 3 men left they ended up becoming slaves of the indians. they became medicine men. they escped and walked though central and west. 8 years later they were found in californa and told stories of golden cities to the -
Jan 1, 1539
Fray Marcos and Estebans journey
Fray Marcos wanted to study the land to the north evaluate.he explored texas and new mxico. he didn't repor anything but he was sent to find the golden city. -
Jan 1, 1539
Moscosos Expedition
De Soto was the leader the expedition was to searcg for gold they went from florida to texas and discovered mississippi river. they gave the same report as Coronado so spain will not return for150 years. -
Jan 1, 1540
Coronados Ezpedition
he wanted to find the 7 cities of gold for spain. he looked through cibola and quivera. he reported to not go to texas, because he found no gold, harsh land, and some difficult indians. so the Mosco's the spanish did not retur with any majpr expeditions for 150 years.