• 476

    Aryabhata was born

    he was born at 30/12/476.he lived in india,Kusumapura.he was famos in maths.
  • Feb 19, 1473

    Copernicus was born

    he was born at 19/2/1473 and he lived inToruń, Poland.he was famose because he was good at maths.
  • Feb 15, 1564

    Galileo was born

    he lived in Pisa, Italy and was born at 15/2/1564.he was famos for mathematician, astronomer, physicist and a philosopher who played the major role in Scientific Revolution.
  • CSIRO was made

    CSIRO stnds for Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research helps poeple to find differant things like animales.
  • NASA was made

    NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration.NASA finds new planets for us.