Sophocles by Biingo/Chris Lewis

  • Period: 496 BCE to 406

    Birth of Sophocles

    496 was the Birth of a legend!!!
  • Period: 496 BCE to 473 BCE


    Sophocles grew up in Athens with both parents Aeschylus and Euripides
  • 474 BCE

    Childhood and influences

    Childhood and influences
    Was heavily influenced throughout school by his teacher to do music and arts and won 1st prize in the Dionysia Theater when he was 18
  • 450 BCE

    Sophocles began writing many plays after that including "Ajax" from 450-442

    Sophocles began writing many plays after that including "Ajax" from 450-442
    Sophcles went on to write Ajax, Antigone, Elektra, and many more.
  • 442 BCE

    The next project!

    The next project!
    "Ajax" was performed and Sophocles began to write and direct more plays.The summary begins with The great warrior Achilles has been killed in battle. As the man who now can be considered the greatest Greek warrior, Ajax feels he should be given Achilles' armor, but the two kings, Agamemnon and Menelaus, award it instead to Odysseus. Ajax becomes furious about this and decides to kill them.
  • 442 BCE

    Served as "The Hellenotonia"

    Served as "The Hellenotonia"
    Sophocles became The treasurer of Athena and became 1/10 generals.
  • 441 BCE

    General Sophocles

    General Sophocles
    was one of Athens generals in Infiltrating the Isalnd Of Samos to find information and clues to help win the war
  • 431 BCE

    Commsioner Sophocles

    Commsioner Sophocles
    General Sophocles gotpromoted to Commsioner Sophocles during the Peloponesian War.
  • 425 BCE

    Sophocles wrote "Oedipus The King”

    Sophocles wrote "Oedipus The King”
    In "Oedipus The King" It follows the story of King Oedipus of Thebes as he discovers that he has unwittingly killed his own father, Laius, and married his own mother, Jocasta. Over the centuries, it has come to be regarded by many as the Greek tragedy par excellence and certainly as the summit of Sophocles' achievements.
  • 421 BCE


    Sophocles love life began with a woman named Nicostrata, married her and had a son named Iophon.
  • 416 BCE

    2nd wife "Sicyon"

    2nd wife "Sicyon"
    Later on had a relationship with a lovely gal Sicyon and had another son, names unknown.One son sued him when Sophocles reached his 90s to force him to hand over his estate.
  • 413 BCE

    10-man council

    10-man council
    Sophocles became apart of a 10-man council to discuss and debate present and future actions in Athens. To discuss the future of Athens
  • 412 BCE

    Revised editions

    Revised editions
    Sophocles recreated his own version of "The Death Of Hercules" and "The Tranchinae"
  • 410 BCE

    Revised editions part 2

    Revised editions part 2
    Sophocles also recreated his own version of the war in The Philoctetes
  • 408 BCE

    His last work, his final play written

    His last work, his final play written
    "Oedipus At Colonus"
  • 407 BCE

    Wrote 123 plays but only 7 of them had made it through

    Wrote 123 plays but only 7 of them had made it through
    Ajax, Antigone, Tranchinian women, Oedipus The King, Electra, Philoctetes,and Oedipus at Colonus.
  • 407 BCE

    Was honored the The title "Dexion" as a hero after his death

    Was honored the The title "Dexion" as a hero after his death
    Dexion- a brave warrior and a great leader!
  • 406 BCE

    The passing of a Legend

    The passing of a Legend
    Died at the age of 91
  • 406 BCE

    The cause of his passing

    The cause of his passing
    Some say his death was due to extreme happiness after the victory in the city of Dionysia
  • 401 BCE


    "Oedipus at Colonus"was released and became known as his greatest play.
    In Oedipus at Colonus, Sophocles dramatizes the end of the tragic hero's life and his mythic significance for Athens. During the course of the play, Oedipus undergoes a transformation from an abject beggar, banished from his city because of his sins, into a figure of immense power, capable of extending (or withholding) divine blessings.