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    Auguste Comte

    He was born in France and known for being the father of sociology. He believed that if societies were too advanced than social behavior has to be studied with science. He decided to make a term within sociology so he called it positivism. The term positivism means that we can be positive or sure. Comte also published a book called "Positive Philosophy". He died before knew on what he was trying to do.
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    Harriet Martineau

    Harriet Martineau born in England also an important figure in the founding of sociology. She was born in a middle-class home. She is best known for writing Comte's Positive Philosophy in English. She was also a pioneering feminist theorist.
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    Karl Marx

    Karl Marx a German Scholar he didn't consider himself a sociologist. Marx felt concern about the poverty and how inequality was their during his work days. He also identified several social classes in the nineteenth century. The bourgeoisie are those who are wealthy, capitalists are those who own them, and proletariat work for the bourgeoisie and gets paid to stay alive.
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    Herbert Spencer

    Herbert Spencer was the sole survivor of nine children. He was born to an English schoolteacher. He contributed by comparing society to the human body. That everything needs to part for its survival. Herbert also introduced a new theory called Social Darwinism.
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    Booker T. Washington

    Washington became his life as a slave. He had different assumptions then the what Du Bois had. He believed that the African Americans should accept sagregation in order to get economic gains.
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    Emile Durkheim

    Emile Durkheim believed that society does exist and that was a broad consensus among members of society. He first introduced the use of statistical techniques research on suicide. He showed that suicide isn't just an individuals acting alone that it also a group of characteristics. He also wrote a book call "In Suicide:A Study in Sociology" published in 1897.
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    Jane Addams

    Jane Addams was best known for the early female social reformers in the United States. When she was young she saw many examples of government corruptions. Addams focused on the problems that may be caused by the imbalanced power of all the social classes. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931.
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    George Herbert Mead

    He explored on how our senses developed. According to Mead our sense develops as we interact with our world.
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    Max Weber

    Max Weber who was affected psychologically by the conflict of his parents leading to a mental breakdown. He wrote a book called "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism" published in 1904-1905. He believed on peoples personal intentions by using his method called verstehen.
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    Robert Ezra Park

    Rober Ezra Park worked with Booker T. Washington. He was interested in how the population grows and change. He believed that sociologist was a supporter who chronicled the long-term trends of sociology.
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    W.E.B Du Bois

    Du Bois is an African American educator and Social Activist. He became the first African American to receive a doctrine from Harvard University. He also wrote a book called "The Philadelphia Negro".
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    Julian Samora

    Samora was the frist Mexican-American to earn a doctorate in socilogy from Washington Unversity