
social studys

By 033727
  • Jan 1, 1300

    native amaricains tribes lived in north america

    native amaricains tribes lived in north america
    we studied about the hopi,inuit,kwakiutl,senimole,pwnee,nezprec,
  • Jun 24, 1300

    john cabot discovers canada

    john cabot discovers canada
    he saild from Bristol, engaliny he did ground work for british land clamis in Canada.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    chisterfer colubus discoferd north amrica

    chisterfer colubus discoferd north amrica
    cristifer saild the ocean blue in 1492
    in spain.
  • Mar 27, 1513

    juan ponec de leion discovers Florida.

    juan ponec de leion discovers Florida.
    he wanted to go to a place called asia but he whent to florida.
  • Sep 25, 1513

    vasco nunez de balboa is the frist uopen

    vasco nunez de balboa is the frist uopen
    he was not that good to sail on a boat he claind that all of the shores tuchd sain.
  • jacques cartier discoverd the st.Lawrence river

    jacques cartier discoverd the st.Lawrence river
    the country he saild on was on france his Accompliment was that he discverd the st. lawence river.
  • john white arrives at Roanoke to find the colyny deserted.

    john white arrives at Roanoke to find the colyny deserted.
    when john white arrived they found a ord in a tree they wonderd what had happen to the colony but know one knows what had happen to them.
  • Henry Hudson discovers the Hudson river.

    Henry Hudson discovers the Hudson river.
    the country he said on was England his outplacement was he said from Hudson river to the colony met bale.
  • Jamestown colony settled.

    Jamestown colony settled.
    the bad thing that had happen in Jamestown was that many people had died from deices. and the successes was that some people were alive.
  • Roanoke colony settled.

    Roanoke colony settled.
    life in roanoke was hard for the settleris, becausec they arived too late to prapare.
  • French and india war

    the franch and indain war started because bratan and France for a hundred years. and they whent to war in over land that was called the french and indain war.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    the royal proclamation of 1763 was issued october,the 7 1763 by king george the 3.