Untitled (3)

slob book talk

  • were's my oreos

    were's my oreos
    When Owen finds out that someone has been taking his oreos he gets furious. One reason this is a major event is because everyday when he is in school his oreos get stolen before lunch. Another reason this is a huge part of the story is because it leads to something very big near the end of the book.
  • junkyard

    When Owen goes to the junkyard to find stuff for his invention he does not find much. On the way back from the junkyard he finds a group of kids who were selling stuff for very cheap. One kid had exactly what Owen needed. A 50. amplifire. Owen got it for 1 dollar and 47 cents. This is important beccause it means that Owen might be able to make the machine work.
  • Flashback

    When owen is on the boat going around New York it reminds him of his parents.Then it says how his real parents died.They owned a deli in new york and one day a person walked in and started fighting with owens mom and his dad. Owen was downstairs with his sister and could not really here wha ws going on. He thought it was just a crazy person until he heard gun shots. This was important because it tells you what his invention does. He wants to see the video camra that was in the deli at the time
  • gymnastics

    When Owen is in gym he gets picked on by the teacher and the students because he is overweight. In gym they had to have a gymnastics contest with teams. He and a kid named Mason Ragg (who is a pretty scary looking guy) are on the same team and Mason insists that he and Owen should go last. They do. Whenit is their turn Owen is about to go the fir alarm goes off for a drill and they get to skip the gymnastics. Now there gym teacher thinks they knew so next gym they must do something humiliating.
  • seizure

    When Owen and Mason go to school the next day, their gym teacher has a full obstacle course for them and Owen is scared. Suprisingly Mason is a lot more worried than Owen. All of a suuden he starts yelling and runs to the boys locker room. He yells "don't let the gym teacher see me". Mason is having a Seizure. Owen blocks the teacher and the security guards. Then the yelling stops. His sister helps Mason calm down and he is alright.