Slaughter house 5

  • Time Travel

    Time Travel
    This is the first scene were Billy time travels. He fell asleep while examining a patient in his office, then a bell tolls and it scares him because he is ready for WW3. Next he was riding in his Cadillac going to have lunch at the Lions Head, then he shifted to back in his office, then back to the lunch where he was being introduced to the Marine major. He then went home and tried to take a nap but started to cry and couldn’t fall asleep.
  • Roland Weary

     Roland Weary
    Roland Weary, who is in another car, dies the ninth day in the cars, only after making sure that everyone in the car knows who is responsible for his death (meaning Billy Pilgrim) the man who was there promised to avenge Billy.
  • Wild Bob

     Wild Bob
    Wild Bob tells all to ask for him in Cody, Wyoming, where they might meet again. Bob is a colonel in the Army who is taken prisoner and placed in a rail car, while in the rail yard they see a corpse being removed and it was Billy, He died of double pneumonia
  • Billy Pilgrim

     Billy Pilgrim
    In this chapter were introduced to Billy the main character in the story, talking about his life before the army giving insight into his life. In 1945 is when he is honorably discharged from the army and when he starts his "story" about what happened to him.
  • Bombing of Dresden

    Bombing of Dresden
    Billy Pilgrim was hiding out in a meat locker when the bomb was hi, he said he chose it because it was safer than the bomb shelters. The bomb was dropped by the U.S. Everyone died besides Billy.
  • Veteran's Hospital

    Veteran's Hospital
    Billy ends up in a New York veterans' hospital where he committes himself to a ward for nonviolent mental patients because he knew he was ill
  • Wedding

    Billy ended up marring Valencia, she was the daughter of a popular optometrist in Ilium, Because of her father Billy decided to go to college to be an optometrist, so he could work for his future father in law. He says that he doesn't love Valencia, but marries her anyway for the benefits.
  • Tralfamadorian zoo

    Tralfamadorian zoo
    We start to learn more about the Tralfamadorians. They kept billy in an earthling house with a TV that doesn't work, The Tralfamadorians could always see him,and he was always naked. He ate from cans, work-out, and then got ready for his day. Sometimes they would try to tell him about their world and he would try to understand. They would also tell him how they saw his world and he would try to understand how they saw things in the fourth dimension.
  • Plan Crash

    Plan Crash
    Billy is on a plane and it ends up crashing in Vermont, the crash kills everyone except him. He ends up the hospital after. While Valencia is on her way to the hospital she gets in a car accident driving "carelessly". she died not long later from carbon monoxide poising
  • Billy's Death

     Billy's Death
    Billy records a message saying "I, Billy Pilgrim, will die, have died, and always will die on February thirteenth, 1976." He says itll happen when he's giving lectures to a large crowd in Chicago.He also reveals Lazzaro's promise to kill him. He closes his speech with a message that death is not eternal. As Billy leaves the stage, a laser gun fires at him killing him.