Sir Francis Drakes Life

By de21271
  • Period: Jan 18, 1540 to

    time of sir francis drake

  • May 16, 1540

    The Birth of Sir Francis Drake and his Youth

    This is the day that sir francis drake wasd born and when he was little he had to stay with his relitives the hawkins family beacuse when he was little his parents edmund Drake who was a farmer and a minester and his mother who's name is unknown had 12 kids and he was the oldest of the 12.But in the 1500's if you where poor:your parents would have to send you to your richer relitevs beacuse they could feed and educate you better.
  • Jan 14, 1550

    The Rest of his Youth

    I think that since that most of the hawkins family was sailors that is where he had learned all of his exellent privater skills to take down the spanish armoda
  • Oct 10, 1566

    The Voyage Begins

    The Voyage Begins
    This very day sir francis drake had obtantied posetion of his first ship.Even though that Drake had only taken control of his first ship little did he know that he was destend for greater things.
  • Aug 13, 1577

    The voyage part1

    During sir Francis Drake's voyage he took down two pourtugues ships and handed command over to his friend Thomas Douthy. After sir Francis Drake had docked at saint julian to refuel and then he set sail to his next destanation. But sir Francis drake had to destroy the two portugues ships beacuse they where in bad condtion.The three ships remaining had set sail to the next destanation sadly the elizabeth was blown off course and forced to return to england.
  • Dec 13, 1577

    The journey to plymouth begins

    This was the very day that sir francis drake had set out with his other ships wich where the Pelican, the Elizabeth, the Marigold, the Swan, and the Christopher. Little did they know that the journey that was underway only few would survive
  • Mar 1, 1579

    The Downfall of the Armoda

    Drake had caught up to the cacafuego on March 1st 1579 and he had collected 362,000 pesos witch is the spanish currency worth of silver.Drake countinued to north america to repair the golden hind and traded with the americans being the first euorpen to trade with america.He named the land ‘Nova Albion’ (New England), and claimed it in the name of Queen Elizabeth I. Some historians believe it was located at Point Reyes, California.Leaving North America.
  • Jun 16, 1579

    The voyage Part2

    The voyage Part2
    By June 1578, he landed at Port San Julian, in modern day Argentina. It was here that fellow officer and friend, Thomas Doughty after he had just standed a trail.At the Strait of Magellan, the Pelican was renamed the
    “Golden Hinde“ in honor of Sir Christopher Hatton.Sir francis drake had been sailing up the west coast of south america acquiring treasure from Spanish and Portuguese ships.Once he had found out that the Spanish ship Cacafuego was sailing towards Peru laden with silver and jewels.
  • Apr 4, 1581

    Glory and fame

    Glory and fame
    His treasure was calculated at £600,000 in Elizabethan money – many millions by today’s standards. Queen Elizabeth I knighted Drake on 4th April 1581 aboard the Golden Hinde in Deptford, declaring the ship should be a maritime museum.
  • The death of Sir Francis Drake

    This was the faithful day that sir francis drake died in panema in central america wich is where sir francis drake died.