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Sigmund Freud Timeline

  • College - Identity

    College - Identity
    Freud enrolled at the University of Vienna at the age of 17. He had to decide what he wanted to study. He eventually decided to study medicine. However, he never felt as if medicine was his true passion. Eventually, he discovered that his true passion was to study science. He took a long time to finish his degree, graduating in 1881 with his first medical degree.
  • Becoming A Professor - Generativity

    Becoming A Professor - Generativity
    Freud became a professor of Neuropathy at the University of Vienna. Through teaching, Freud will allow students to keep their interest in the field of Neuropathy and will continue the learning of the subject.
  • Death - Dispair

    Death - Dispair
    Freud died at three in the morning from a lethal dose of morphine that was administered by request by his friend and physician, Max Schur. Freud had been suffering from an inoperable cancerous tumor in his eye socket and cheek. This cancer began as a lesion in his mouth that he discovered in 1923. However, Freud did have some regrets regarding the death of one of his subjects when he took interest in neurology. ("The Cocaine Incident")