Freud head shot

Sigmund Freud

By gpgouck
  • Sigmund Freud's birth

    Sigmund Freud's birth
    He was born in Frieburg in a small house. He was born into a large jewish family. His family was decendant of rabbis.
  • Austria bands jewish activities

    Austria bands jewish activities
    In 1857 southern austria band all jewish activities. Forcing many jewish people in that area to flee to vienna. Along with all those people were sigmund freud and his family.
  • war on austria

    war on austria
    In 1859 Sigmunds country he was born with went to war. France declared war on them in order to spread their ideas throughout germany. In the end france ended up loosing.
  • Vienna

    Sigmund Freud and his family moved to vienna because of the amount of jewish people that lived there. When he was young he was a very good student but an outcast.
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    american civil war

    The american civil war was a conflict over slaves that raged beetween america. The northern states wanted to free slaves and accepted anyone that escaped to there. The southern states used them for plantations.
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    Snake war

    The snake war was a conflict beetween the american colonists and the snake indians. The wr\ar was fought along the snake river. It lasted for 4 years.
  • University of Vienna

    University of Vienna
    Sigmund Freud was accepted to the university of vienna. They accepted him because of how good of a student he was, and his intrest in phsycology.
  • Private Practices

    Private Practices
    Freud started his own private study. He studied the brain and nervous system. Specifficaly the disorders they can have.
  • Freud's wife

    Freud's wife
    In the same year that he started his own practice the same year he married his wife Martha Berrays.
  • Freud's book

    Freud's book
    In 1900 Freud realeased his book called "The Interpertation of Dreams". In the book he analysed the unconcious desires and cravings of people, and there dreams.
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    Freud's job

    In 1902 sigmund freud was accepted to be the proffesor of neuropathology at the university of vienna. He teached for about 36 years. His teaching ended in 1938.
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    World war I

    In the beginning of the 1900s world war I started a major conflict beetween many countries. It began after the assanation of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and lasted untill 1918. The countries that fought were Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire fought the more large countries of Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan and the United States.
  • Lectures

    Sigmund Freuds fame grew exponentially with every lecture he gave. He would speak about his findings in his reasearch in the brain and in dreams. People would come from all over to see him.
  • The Nazis

    The Nazis
    In 1933 some Nazis were unhappy with Sigmund Freud being jewish making lots of accomplishments. The nazis took some of his books and publically burned them to show there disproval.
  • The nazis are outraged

    The nazis are outraged
    In 1932 the Nazis became very outraged when the chancler of germany invoked article 48. This said nazis were not allowed to do anymore demonstrations. The nazis wanted hitler to fight it but it was no use, the ban stayed.
  • Freud's death

    Freud's death
    In 1939 Sigmund Freud's addiction to cigarres finnaly caught up to him. He got cancer in the jaw and died a slow death. Leaving his wife behind.