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  • Noam Chomsky was born on this day to Jewish parents

    Noam Chomsky was born on this day to Jewish parents
  • Chomsky's childhood

    Chomsky's childhood
    Chomsky was raised in a tough lifestyle because he was a jew and in Penslyvania at the time there were many German kids
  • Chomsky's influence

    Chomsky's influence
    Chomsky's uncle did not finish primary school and he was forced to work at a newstand in local markets and while there his uncle would have educational arguments with the local scientists and other people passing through the area which influenced in the 1930s as well.
  • Chomsky's education

    Chomsky's education
    As he got older, Chomsky began to get a better look at his education and he wrote his first paper on the spread of facism when he was 10 years old, From the age of 12 or 13, he identified more fully with anarchist politics
  • Graduation and the beginning of his career

    Graduation and the beginning of his career
    As time grew on, Chomsky graduated from the central high school of philly studying philosophy and linguistics at unniversity of penneslyvania. he also took classes with many major scientists of his day and he went on earning a b.a in 1949 and m.a in 1951. b.a means bachelor of arts and m.a means master of arts.
  • Marriage

    Chomsky finally married the love of his life Carol Schatz. they were married for 59 years until she died of cancer in 2008.
  • Kids

    Chomsky had 3 kids. 2 daughters and one son. Aviva who was born in 1957. Diane, bornin 1960 and Harry born 1960
  • Accomplishments

    Chomsky received his phd from the university of Penslyvania and he also wrote a book this year called Synatic Structures which was based on his studies of linguistics.
  • Leading Critics of U.S. foreign policy

    Leading Critics of U.S. foreign policy
    Since 1965 he has become one of the leading critics of U.S. foreign policy. He also published a book of essays called American Power and the New Mandarins which is considered to be one of the most substantial arguments ever against American involvement in Vietnam.
  • More opputunities

    More opputunities
    Chomsky delivered the Beckman Lectures at the University of California at Berkeley.
  • Oxford and Sherman Memorial letters

    Oxford and Sherman Memorial letters
    Chomsky presented the John Locke Lectures at the University of Oxford and Sherman Memorial Lectures at the University of London.
  • Chomsky's later career

    Chomsky's later career
    he was appointed full professor at Massechusetts Institute of Technology. Chomsky is also the co-creator of the Chomsky hierachy theroem, the universal grammar theory, and the Chomsky-Schutzenburger theroem. the Chomsky hierarchy is a way of classifying formal grammars into four types, Universal grammar is a theory in linguistics that suggests that there are properties that all possible natural human languages have.
  • Later life

    Later life
    Chomsky paired up with Morris Halle and wrote another book that was known to be one of the best works regarding phonology. it is called The Sound Pattern of English.
  • Chomsky's impact

    Chomsky's impact
    Chomsky's ideas and research made a very strong impact on Earth's later researchers such as Elizabeth Bates and others such as Michael Tomasello.
  • Noam Chomsky is still alive to this day

    Noam Chomsky is still alive to this day