Creates the Seven Society
During Final Exercises, the commencement address was interrupted by a small explosion, followed by a check for $177,777.77 for pay the studies for the people who need it
Frank Wisner death and can see the realacion taht he had with the society
A worker received a request to go at the Seven Society's embleam, and when he finish the building that he was doing he found $1000'77 in her bag
Joe Edwin McCary (Quarterback and capitain UVA Football) death and an see the realacion taht he had with the society
President Colgate Darden removed a stone from during a football game, and under that ther found $77,77 that it was designated for the installation of a drinking fountain for the athletics field
Joseph W. Twinam (American ambassador to Bahrain) death and an see the realacion taht he had with the society
The studiants find $14777'77 for better the university