(406 B.C.) he was greek. his idea was the milky way -
Robert Boyle
His discovery was in 1660. His nationality is Irish. -
John Dalton
he was english. he did research into color blindness and did the atomic theory in 1794 -
J.J. Thomson
in the 1890's he made experiments with charge particles and in 1897 he showed that radiation emitted in low pressure glass tube when voltage is applied. he was born in the United Kingdom. -
Ernest Rutherord
he was British and new zealand. in 1908 he oenetrated a thin sheet of gold foil with positivly charged particles -
Niels Bohr
he was danish. he is best known for the Bohr model -
james chadwick
he was english and he was known for discoverying the neutron -
Philip Lenard
he was a carpathian german. his major doing was in 1888 -
doesnt really say anything other than 5th century. he was greek he was known for atomism