Dorothy hodgkin

Scientist Timeline

By lstccs4
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Aristotle (384 B.C.)

    Aristotle (384 B.C.)
    Born 384 BC AND DIED 322 BC
    He was a Greek philospher and astronmer.
  • May 28, 1001

    Hypatia (340 AD)

    Hypatia (340 AD)
    Birth: 340 A.D.
    Death: 415 A.D.
    She was one of the first women in mathematics also a philosopher, astronomer and created early astrolabe
  • Feb 19, 1473

    Nicolaus Copernicus

    Nicolaus Copernicus
    Born February 19th 1473
    Death: May 24th, 1543
    He proved that the Earth wasn't the center of the Universe. He also invented the Heliocentric Model.
  • Dec 27, 1571

    Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    Birth : December 27th, 1571
    Death :November 15,1630
    He came up with the Laws of planetary motion, Kepler’s equation and Kepler’s triangle
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    Born December 25th, 1642 and died March 31st, 1727. He came up with Newtons 3 laws of motion, gravity and invented Calculus and Astronomy.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    Ben Franklin was born Jan. 17, 1706 and died on April 17th, 1790. He discovered electricity and invented the lightning rod.
  • Benjamin Banneker

    Benjamin Banneker
    Born on November 9th, 1731 and died on October 9, 1806. He invented America's first clock that worked
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    Born Sep. 6, 1766 and died July 27,1844. He established Dalton’s Law, helped with Atomic theory, and Published a book about the Atomic Theory in 1808
  • Micheal Faraday

    Micheal Faraday
    Birth: September 2nd, 1791
    Death: August 25, 1867
    He worked with Electromagnets and electrochemistry. He also came up with the theory of Electromagnet rotation which is the basis of the electric motor. He also discovered electromagnetic induction.
  • Christian Doppler

    Christian Doppler
    Birth: November 29th, 1803
    Death: March 17,1853
    He came up with the Doppler Effect in 1842.
  • Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin
    Charles Darwin was born Feb. 12, 1809 and died on October 18, 1931. He came up with the theory of Evoloution and Natural selection.
  • Florence Nightingale

    Florence Nightingale
    Birth: May 12, 1820
    Death: August 13, 1910
    She was a nurse who saw the conditions of hostpitals and wanted to change them. She wrote many books that set the standards for medical care in the military today.
  • Albert Nobel

    Albert Nobel
    Born Oct. 21, 1833 and died December 10, 1896. He invented Dynamite and established the Nobel Prize
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    Born Feb. 11, 1847 And died Oct, 18, 1931. He invented the lightbulb
  • Marie Curie

    Marie Curie
    Marie Curie was born nov 7, 1867 and died july 4, 1934. She discovered radium and worked with radioactivity. She also won two Nobel Prizes
  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein
    Birth: March 14th, 1879
    Death: April 18,1955
    He came up with E=mc^2 and the Theory of Relativity.
  • Linus Pauling

    Linus Pauling
    Birth: February 28 1902
    Death: August 19, 1994
    He Discovered the Nature of chemical bonds
  • Dorothy Hodgkin

    Dorothy Hodgkin
    Born May 12th, 1910 and died July 29,1994 invented/discovered X-Ray Crystallography, Penicillin and Vitamin B12
  • Wernher Von Braun

    Wernher Von Braun
    Birth : March 23rd, 1912
    Death :June 16, 1977
    He was a director of NASA rocketry program
    and V.P. at Fairchild Industries
  • Watson, Crick, Wilkins

    Watson, Crick, Wilkins
    Birth:April 6th, 1928 (Watson)
    Death: 2004
    Birth:June 8th, 1916 (Crick)
    Death: still living
    Birth: December 16, 1916
    Death: still living
    -Discovered DNA
    -Found replication of DNA
    -Received Nobel Peace Prize
  • Ted Fujita

    Ted Fujita
    Born on Oct. 23 1920
    Died: Nov. 19 1998
    Created Fujita scale to categorize tornadoes. He also invented macroburst and the microburst
  • Peter Higgs

    Peter Higgs
    Birth:May 29th, 1929
    Death: still living
    He discovered the Higgs Boson (Particle.) He also reveivced a Nobel Prize for his work with physics.
  • Jane Goodall

    Jane Goodall
    Jane Goodall made many dicoveries about primates and how much like humans they are. She also founded the Jane Goodall Foundation to protect endangered species.
  • Carl Sagan

    Carl Sagan
    Born November 9th, 1934 and died December 20, 1996. He was an astronomer and created the Theory of the greenhouse effect. He was also on Cosmos.
  • Mae Jemison

    Mae Jemison
    Birth: October 17, 1956
    Death: still living
    She studied bone cells in space, and was also the first black person in space.
  • Brian Greene

    Brian Greene
    Born February 9th, 1963, and is still living. He came up with the string theory and was a professor at Columbia University
  • Steven Jobs

    Steven Jobs
    Birth: February 24, 1955
    Death:October 5, 2011
    He founded Apple and he and Steve Wozniak created the first Mac computer
  • Hwang Woo Suk

    Hwang Woo Suk
    Birth: Jan. 29, 1953
    Death: still living
    He came up with a theory about cloning and cloned a dog in 2004.