Scientist and their major contribution to the discoveries

  • Paracelsus

    He was a physician and surgeon a man who wasn't afraid to challenge the orthodoxy of the day. Also, he wasn't afraid to mix medicine with alchemy. He impacted the world with the medical revolution.
  • Robert Boyle

    Robert Boyle
    Boyle's interest was chemistry and introduced the Scientific method to the world. He also created new experiments.
  • Henry Cavendish

    Henry Cavendish
    He has been described as the richest of the learned of the rich and the most learned of the rich. He was a major shareholder in the Bank in England and had royal connections. Cavendish made a vital contribution to the discovery of the elements. He didn't know he discovered a new element instead he thought he found a different air we breath, which he termed inflammable air. He discovered hydrogen.
  • Joseph Priestley

    Joseph Priestley
    He was a chemist. He was interested in the gas that's produced in the fermentation process he called brewery gas but was know as fixed air and we know it today as carbon dioxide. He found oxygen by the thermal decomposition of mercuric oxide having isolated it. And made experiments.
  • Antoine Lavoisier

    Antoine Lavoisier
    Lavoisier was a member of a newly emerging scientific elite chemist of Paris. He met in a dinner with Priestley and they talked about chemistry, which Priestley mentioned him about his new discovery of the phlogiston air. Lavoisier had shown that phlogiston didn't exist. And he claimed he had discovered oxygen because he recognized it as a new element. But he didn't discovered oxygen but he had recognized its significance.
  • Humphry Davy

    Humphry Davy
    He was a chemist, who first discovered electricity using caustic chemicals for the first time called potash and potassium.
  • Brand

    Brand discovered for accident a new element never seen by man called Phosphorus. And tried to use it to produce Gold which could not achieved it, calling it as Icy Knock Toluca Cold Night Slight.