Salvador allende gossens

Salvador Allende

  • Birth

    Salvador was born on the last days of June in 1908, in Santiago, Chile.
    His parents were Salvador Allende Castro and Laura Gossens Uribe.
  • Period: to

    Deputy of the Republic of Chile(6th)

    He was deputy by the 6th departamental agrupation.
    His antecessor was Humberto Casali Monreal, a politician but also a surgeon.
    And his successor was the socialist Vasco Valdebenito Garcia, who in addition to been politician he was also an engineer.
  • Period: to

    Minister of Health, Welfare and Social Assistance of Chile

    He was a very important minister due to all the things and the importance of the things he controlled.
    His antecessor was the doctor and politician Miguel Etchebarne Riol.
    During the time he was minister, the person leading was Pedro Aguirre Cerda, who had also worked as educator.
    And his successor was Eduardo Escudero Forrastal.
  • Time for the wedding

    Time for the wedding
    In March,1940, Salvador Allende got married with a woman called Hortensia Bussi.
    With this woman, Salvador had 3 daughters called: Maria Isabel, Carmen Paz and Beatriz.
    Hortensia is the only marriage Salvador had had.
  • Period: to

    Senator of the Republic of Chile(9th)

    It was senator by the 9th provincial agrupation.
    His antecessor was the radical Luis Ambrosio Concha
    His successor was the socialist Aniceto Rodrigez Arenas.
  • Duel

    This 6th of August, he was part of the duel in the Senate due to some differences in their opinions.
    It was between Raul Rettig and him, they were arguing and they didn't have the same ideas, this finally ended with a duel with firearms(handgun). This duel was in the Macul commune.
    None of them got hurted, and some time later they were again friends.
  • First Presidential Candidature

    First Presidential Candidature
    In 1952, Allende was presented to the Candidature, this time united to Raul Ampuero.They had great alliances, until a time when Raul decided to move to the side of Carlos Ibañez del Campo. This was the time when they divided.
    Finally the minority groups united with Allende, and they finally have a 5'45% of the votes. It was the time they got their most, but it was not enough.
  • Period: to

    Senator of the Republic of Chile(1st)

    It was senator by the 1st provincial agrupation.
    His antecessor was the French Elias Lafertte Gaviño
    His successor was the politician and lawyer,Raul Ampuero Diaz.
  • Second Presidential Candidature

    Second Presidential Candidature
    He presented again himself as candidate in the Candidature of 1958. This time he was supported by the FRAP.
    This time, as the one before, he wasn't lucky. He had the second highest number of votes, but it wasn't enough(28'8%)
  • Period: to

    Senator of the Chile Republic(3rd)

    It was senator by the 3rd agrupation.
    He had antecessor and it was called Carlos Alberto Martinez.
    He also had sucessor called Hugo Ballesteros Reyes
  • Third Presidential Candidature

    Third Presidential Candidature
    He presented for third time to the candidature, and as the two others, represented by the FRAP.
    He was again defeated, this time by a democratic who won a 55,6% of the votes against the 38'92% of Allende.
  • Period: to

    President of the Senate of Chile

    He was the 56th president of this Senate.
    His ancestor and successor had the same name, Tomas, but they didn't have anything in common.
  • Period: to

    Senator of the Chile Republic

    It was senator by the 10th agrupation.
    In fact, he didn't have antecessor, the thing before he was senator was the creation of the circumscription.
    However, he had sucessor called Adonis Sepulveda Acuña
  • Period: to

    President of the Republic of Chile

    In this case, he was the 28th President of Chile.
    His ancestor was Eduardo Frei Montalva
    And his successor was Augusto Pinochet Ugarte
  • First Mayority

    First Mayority
    After 3 general elections, finally at the 4th he won the absolute majority(with a 36'6% of the votes)
    Due to this, he was the first marxist leader to reach the government through the general elections in a Democratic State(in this case in Chile)
  • End of the government

    End of the government
    The society and the government was in a social and economic crisis, ended his government in a ver brutal coup d'etat.
    In the coup d'etat they participated the armed forces and the Chile Carabineros body(national police)
  • Salvador is death

    Salvador is death
    At the age of 65, Salvador committed suicide in Santiago, Chile.
    He commited suicide with a firearm. And this is the end of Salvador Allende.