Oct 23, 1491
St Ignatius, (also known as Inigo Lopez ze Onaz y Loyola) was born in his families castle in Guipúzcoa, Spain on the 23rd of October 1491. St Ignatius was the youngest child of 13 children. His family was catholic, but not at all religious. In fact, his father had several children by another woman as well as his grandfathe,r being extremely lawless and getting punished by the crown. -
Jan 1, 1498
Pass Away of St Ignatius's Mother
St Ignatius barely knew his mother. as she past away when he was at the age of 7. -
Period: Jan 1, 1506 to Jan 1, 1516
Worked as a page at Arevalo, near Valldolid
St Ignatius changed his last name to 'de Loyola' in reference to the city he was born.
When St Ignatius was16 he went to serve Juan Velazquez, the treasurer of the kingdom of Castile.
He fought for Antonio Manrique de Lara, Duke of Nájera and Viceroy of Navarre.
By 1513 ignatius leadership skills , proved himself to be in postion of an officer, defending the town of Pamplona. -
Jan 1, 1507
Death of Father
At the age of 16, St Ignatius' father past away. One of his brothers left on the famous vogage of Columbus and another died in a battle. -
Jun 29, 1521
St ignatius was Injured
When the French attack occured, St Ignatius was struck with a canon ball wounding one of his legs and breaking the other. He underwent serval operations. His injuries went from bad to worse. he was asked by doctors to prepare for death. It was on the feast of Saints Peter and Paul (29 June) that his condition started improving. Although his injuries were healing, one of his legs were shorter to the other.While in recovery he had nothing to do, and no other choice but to read The book of Saints. -
Jan 1, 1522
New Goal
As he read the Book of Saints and the Life of Christ, he spent hours dreaming, of his future where he would continue to service his king in comparision to intimidating the Saints of his book, as the dedicated their lives to the Heavenly Lord. He found a deep peace and quiet happiness as he though of this. He realized God was leading him by his feelings, drawing him toward an entirely new way of life. From this day forth, he dedicated himself to the life of a true Christian and Servant of God -
Mar 2, 1524
Ignatius enrolled himself in a school in Barcelona to learn the language and grammar of Latin. After his initial school in Barcelona. Iñigo moved to Spanish university towns—first Alcala, near Madrid, and then Salamanca in the north. In both places, he spent nearly as much time talking to people about spiritual matters as he did studying and attending lectures. -
Jan 1, 1527
Arrested at Salamanica
While St Ignatius gathered students and adult explainging the gospel and the right way to pray.his actions were not liked. He was sent to jail for 42 days. From there he moved to University of Salamanca which also his preaching of the gospel . His methods was not accepted leading him to go to jail once again. He was not happy with this, making the decision to move to travel to Paris -
Mar 6, 1529
Society of Jesus
While at the Univeristy of Paris, Ignatius roomed with Peter Gaber. They bonded over a mutual love of the the Lord, Prayer, Spiritual Excersise and a dream to visit the Holy Land. Unfortunetlyy, due to war between Venice and the Turks, they realized no ship would take them and they would be spread out all over Europe. To secure a bond between the two men St Ignatius and Peter formed a religious order. The named the order 'Society of Jesus'. -
Jan 1, 1540
Catholic Church - The Pope
The Society of Jesus was approved by Pope Paul III and thus recognized as a Official Catholic religious order. St Ignatius was elected their first leader. As well as sending his many companions in the order around the world in the name of serving and gathering the people in the name of Jesus. He authored the Consitirions of the fledging order. He wrote of love, care and friendship, to those in the church and to the women and men, but mainly to those in his order. -
Jan 1, 1556
In St Ignatius early years he experieced painfull stomach pains. By this time the pain in his stomach had greatly worsened causing the death of him. On this date Saint Ignatius left for the heaven abode. He was then buried in place, today called, 'Church of Gesu' in Rome. At the time of his death, there were over 1000 people and 35 schools involved in the Society of Jesus, -
Mar 6, 1581
25 years Later..
The number of schools involved in St ignatius' 'Society of Jesus' rose to 144, and another 35 years after that, it approached 400 -
Ignatius was beatified by Pope Paul V. -
Saint Ignatius was canonized by Pope Gregory XV. His feast day is celebrated on the 31st of July every year. St Ignatius philosophy continues still to this day - to praise, reverence, and serve God through serving other human beings.