
Robins Psychosocial Theory

  • Childhood Years

    Childhood Years
    Robin is making new friends at his new town and school. When going to school he is known as the hero. Robin is friends with all he is always a leader when it comes to games. Some of the kids choose his team because he is good at all the games. This relates to Erikson's third stage which is initiative versus guilt. He is being initiative by him choosing the role every game and the guilt comes from making the mistake of letting people that aren't good at the game on his team.
  • Middle-Age Childhood Years

    Middle-Age Childhood Years
    Robin realizes as growing up he is capable of performing complex tasks that no others can do. He realizes he is a true hero but also senses an inexperience of how to completely be the hero he wants to be to society. This relates to Erickson's fourth stage which is industry versus inferiority. The fourth stage is about a middle age child becoming advanced or face sense of failure. Robin faces good performance in many tasks but senses inexperience in being the hero he believes he is.
  • Adulthood Years

    Adulthood Years
    As Robin faces his adult years he is challenged to finally figure out who he as an individual. He finally figured out what he is advanced in certain situations and what capacities he has. Robin does question his place in his town due to being a hero can be hard. He receives a lot of positive and negative feedback for being the good hero. This is Erickson's fifth stage which is identity versus identity confusion. Robin is aware of what he is capable of but is unknown of the future.